Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ohfiveasssixaye EAT.SHOP.WATCH

turned out to be 3 dudes eating Banana Chocolate Cake and sipping Trung Nyugen Legendee Coffee.

It was quite a day filled with disappointment and exasperation as most who said they would come didn't, and those some that did treated it like a shopping spree, going on their way in their own selfish worlds.

I thought to myself, "I will never organise a class gathering for this class again". As what they say in the army, no one actually gives a shit. For the few that do, trust me, it's not worth it.

You know, it wasn't half bad. I managed to buy some shirts from Club Marc, the coffee was really good, and I managed to learn some barista stuff from Kelvin, but att the end of the day, I couldn't help but feel so pessimistic about it.

The least you could do when you go for a class gathering is to think about the class and not your own shopping. Haix.

Oh well, whatever!

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