Anyways, thank you guys for spending my birthday with me and all the well-wishers! This is certainly my most crowded birthday thanks to Facebook. Hahas.. I bet I am the happiest and most blessed man today =)
Thanks to Jedit for the Joystick, Pinnice for the book, Cheeks for the messenger bag and Pam and Shu Juan for the cupcakes. Love all the presents! Hahas.. I feel so so SO loved!
I went to CityLink/Esplanade/Singapore Flyer together with Pamela and Shu Juan. We went to watch Esther perform at the Esplanade Concourse. Wahh.. Zai. If I can sing like that I will go and sign up for Superstar and become a Taiwanese pop star. Hahahas..

Then we went up the Singapore Flyer since I've never taken it before (sua gu!) It was beautiful to see Singapore from up there. Yes, there was loads of construction going on, but Kallang Basin looked great. Plus the HDB flats going as far as my eyes could bring me was breathtaking too. Little did I know that the normally boring looking blocks could look so iconic together. I also remember thinking that I want to live in Pebble Bay when I have the money to buy an apartment there. It looks so striking and peaceful from up there!
After flying, we basically went for some drinks at Glutton's Bay and cabbed home. Thanks for the cupcakes girls!

Then came Thursday where I had KFC at my auntie's house for Mother's Day cum My Birthday cum My Auntie's Birthday celebration. Hahas.. I think I gained quite a lot of pounds from that meal man. There was the chicken, the watermelon, the cake, and red bean soup! Luckily it didn't turn out to be a KFC + Pizza Hut thing as planned. If not I will have to start thinking of going for liposuction to get rid of the fats le.
On Friday, JEDIT went to Timbre to celebrate. Overrated I say. The ambience wasn't really there, plus there was no real lights so we had to use their fake candles to see the menu. Bleh! Plus the steak was quite horrid. But I still had fun lah. It's not the place but the people mah. Thanks for the joystick guys!

On the way, we saw the Nissan 350Z outside Cathay! Quite impressive. I like the colour.. Perhaps when (if) we get the Honda Jazz, we can spray it this colour!
Of course, there was the mandatory Dota session. Unfortunately AM didn't do so well that day. Hahas.. Oh well!
So that was about all. Thanks again guys! It was really really fun =D
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