Monday, January 08, 2007

Time is running out.

The days get shorter; the date gets closer. 13th January 2007: 5 days away.

Somehow everything I do these couple of days is always done with the nagging realisation that I will be going into the army soon. True, I am really looking forward to it because life outside is probably just as boring as like on Tekong, but then I think of all the people I won't see again, and it saddens me.

Just yesterday, I had a class gathering with 05S6A. It was great to see everyone again - even if everyone does not constitute everyone.. I was kept down, though, because no matter what, I probably won't see much of them anymore.

Hey, it's easy to say that we'll have gatherings and we'll definitely meet again, but we all know that gatherings don't happen easily, and 2 years changes everything. We'd all become strangers with nothing in common to talk about. The guys would be blabbering about SOC and OCS and DB and this and that, and the girls would be in the university. We will finally be facing real life. And that's a totally different ball game from primary school, secondary school, or JC.

On a lighter note, there's another gathering on Wednesday for 6B people! That's really cool because that would be the 2nd gathering I didn't organise. Hoorays! If you are from 6B and you didn't know about the gathering, sms me or e-mail me okae? Must go hor! It's rare to have these things, and like I said, we might not have much time.

Hmm. Today was spent gym-swimming at Tampines again. Gotta grab every opportunity to build myself up and to spend time with the gang. Now there's only 4 of us, with Jun Yuan working and Tan Long in camp and chow sick. Get well soon!

Nothing memorable really, just that YMCA played in the gym and we thought of how Samuel Ho said that the song lyrics had gay content. HMM.. Is young men's christian association a gay organisation? I didn't hear anything lah. The song was too fast. Ivan and Rich were talking about how to YMCA action would summon Albert Ching too.. some founder's thing, I guess.

Oh, I've taken to watching the famous fake vblogger, lonelygirl15 on YouTube. I am quite amazed that she's fake, really.. But you can see that's she's not a very good crier. Hahas. And her change in accent is not very detectable. Rich said that I should go make videos too cos I have such a comedic air. Hahas.. maybe. But can I stand the world laughing at me?

Hmm. I shall make it a point to be cherrier tomorrow! To infinity and beyond!

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