Hoho! Um Chiou! Nevertheless, I should at least try larh hor? No harm getting a PSP before i get into the Army. Muahahahahahas...
I AM.........
If I could clearly define what I am, I wouldn't be blogging. I am my blog. My blog is part of me, more than I can adequately describe, really.. Sometimes I find myself reading past entries and laughing at how silly I was, and other times I get amazed at my soberness in certain periods of time.
It's great timing, this contest. Wonderful. Just when I was thinking of not writing anymore because I think I keep writing the same old thing about how I am low in self-esteem and all that angsty crap, a Mr Alvin Lim pops out to entice me with a PSP. Hahas.. I have to thank you then, Mr Lim.
I am born quite cynical really. I like to look at the half empty side of things. The newspaper read 7.7% growth rate for Singapore in 2006, and my mind wandered to the reason being government funded projects such as MRT lines we can do without.
But really, this is a contest. I am supposed to sound vibrant and youthful!! After all, it's Youth.SG.
So, I am funny. All my life I knew I was funny. People looked at me and laughed. I have a knack of making people laugh just by talking =) I make friends easily and try hard to understand them. I sometimes over-commit myself in relationships.
I am @ Youth.SG because I bring my real self to my blog. Because I don't feel righteous for other people, but bitch only for causes I feel strongly about.
I liked Xiaxue until she became complainsome and whiny. I like Mr Brown for his candidness and his love for his family. I like supercolor for his emotive photos. I like Mr Miyagi for being a cool ACS boy (although RI guys are still much better =D).
I blog not because I think by blogging the world would be become better. I blog so that the world can understand me better, and then I would not be so lonely like everyone else.
I have an inane fear of losing all my friends and not being able to find a common topic to say and being degraded to political issues which my father discusses with his friends to hide the fact that they ran out of things to talk about.
I believe that the internet brought about the phenomenon of global connectivity and yet also global apathy and disconnect because we are too stuck in our own virtual worlds. We all drive on the Information Superhighway, waiting to be knocked down.
I am @ Youth.SG because I am young, yet I am old, and I just keep getting older. I feel like getting a baby boy, but I can't seem to get a wife. Lols. I speak of things beyond my age, because I don't know what's of my age.
I love DotA but I am bored of it.
I used to talk about idealistic abstracts like love and hope and all that, but I've become disillusioned about them. I know God will make all of them happen, but the world is becoming intolerable.
I should win this contest because I want the PSP. (hahas! that's frank for you!)
If you are interested in joining the contest too, go to Youth.SG for details! Go join it because it's something unique we have in Singapore. Plus the government wants to engage us! Hahas =)