Sunday, July 16, 2006

Unfinished Entry

this entry was written 2 days back before it started to rain felines and canines on all of us.

The sky is fast turning black from all the grey clouds. Some music from FMA plays in my ears. The mood is almost perfect. Almost as if the world could feel what I am feeling. I'm staring out at the horizon in MacRitchie. Looking far out into the 1000m mark. Looking at the waters flowing in this man-made lake of a reservoir. Realising that all this is over for me.

It had ended 2 days ago. Maybe even earlier. Perhaps it was ordained before the Exams. And the draw merely set the Plan into action. So I lost in the heats. To Rj, to NJ, to CJ. Can't blame anyone really.. RJ wasthe champs last year for that event, NJ was NJ, and CJ... Shouldn't have lost to CJ. I know we could have matched Jey and Tim.

Since I couldn't take it out on anyone, I thought I would blame myself. After all, I am the one who has the bad strokes. Ms Choong told me I was pulling all the way just before the competition. Everything came out before the competition. Then came the thing, which we lost.

I guess I should be......

And that was the end of it. The entry. And the end of Dezhi the Kayaker. Like how Dezhi the actor rested with BYG, like how Ah Bao died with Zhang Lang, like how Mr Suan ceased to exist with Lai Ye 2004 and Xin Qu. Alas, all things must end. Even the very good ones.

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