Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wherefore art thou, Vice?

To be honest, I am still quite stressed over my lack of a Vice. Some part of me feels that the reason that I have no Vice is because I am a lousy person. I wish it were not so. And I know it's not the right thing to think or feel, but I can't help it.

This feeling of inadequacy is compounded with the fact that I screwed up my piano exams big time and that I am seriously behind for my studies =(

The piano exams was quite the disaster. Basically I was unnerved by the plain white CLAUSTROPHOBIC room and the silence of it all. Imagine all that you can hear is your own playing. That's really really scary. The angmohness of the angmoh didn't help at all. I just felt like an inferior piece of shit in an atas environment like Delfi Orchard. Man.

I don't think I am that suited for this exam thing.. I'm so much better off just learning and playing by myself. Why oh why did I let Ms Goh convince me otherwise? Haix.

Anyways, I should really get to working on my studies. Ciao.

1 comment:

  1. u have no vice not because you are a lousy person k! and omg u are catching the perlin syndrome... NOOOO.. u have to snap out of it.
    and dun be too worried about the ss exam. i did badly as well. didnt finish question 2 at all. and i am sure u are not the only one that did badly for ss. rest of the ppl in the LT will probably be the same circumstances as us. so THE BELL CURVE will SHIFT TO THE LEFT!


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