Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sleepless in NUS.

I never quite thought Chee Keen meant a life like this when he described University as "short but intense". Yet right now I am really living it.

I would describe it as "fast" instead of "short" though. It's already the end of Thursday when it seems like it was Monday just yesterday. Weeks have flown past without mercy and taken me on a wild ride without allowing me a moment for a breather.

I don't precisely remember if I mentioned being worried about my schoolwork. I guess it's not really worry per se. It's just the anxiety that comes with not being able to complete everything ahead of time like in JC or in Secondary School. Things in NUS come at the last minute, and I almost always finish just in time. It's horrible not to be able to "clear" anything. It is almost as if every minute is a busy one. Good if you are bored, bad if you are overworked.

Perhaps it's that time again to refocus on my priorities. I musn't let this tsunami of work overwhelm and conquer me. It's time to ride the waves to keep my head above the water!!


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