A serious man is a handsome man. =D I think i look totally shuai in this photograph. LOL.
On a more serious note, I think I can't finish my econs revision by today. =( I am still at Indifference Curves, which means I still have Production and Cost to cover on top of doing all the tutorials again just to make sure I understand my concepts. These past two tutorials had me scratching my head because I didn't really know how to apply what I read to the questions. Hopefully Fu Qiang sets an okae paper that I can score in!
The photo of the day could have been a beautiful moon tonight, but I didn't have my camera with me. So here's a substitute and a reminder for myself to mug harder!
I was planning on running today too, but it seems like the wrong time. I shall go swim tomorrow morning! - that is if I wake up in time.. Perhaps it's time to revive that training log of mine eh? Hahas.
Soo.. today is mugging day. I've been spending my whole day with David Besanko and Ronald Braeutigam (your name's hard to pronounce by the way!) on Microeconomics. Urgh..
Whole day sounds really long, but it really only started from 2 pm. LOL. Because I stayed up until 5 am to mug with Cam and Jaslyn, I decided to sleep in. Just didn't know that I would sleep in till that late. -_-||
I don't seem to have any inspiration today to take any photo. So I think the photo a day attempt has failed for today. Not unless I can find something to post later. =(
Aim of the day: FINISH BSP1005 AND START STATS! Go go fighting!
Yes, this is kind of gay. After our daily studying (my creating of newsletter) stint in the Bizad Clubroom, we decided to go back to PGP to mug. I appeared in similar clothes as Xumao after I showered. LOL. Gay buds ftw!
It totally wasn't planned! Somehow we were just both wearing the OCS white shorts and a black singlet. Hahas. So I decided that this should be the photo of the day and whipped out my MBP to take a PhotoBooth shot. Muahahahas.
Anyways, today was pretty boring with Marketing and SS lectures. I miss Dr Sai Siew Min =/ Somehow I like her SS lectures more. Sobs.
Oh oh! I finished creating the Bizad newsletter today and it's called BIZNUS! A pun on Business, obviously. And I am totally in love with my own creation. LOL. TAKE A LOOK: ULTIMATE CHIONESS right? Hehs.
TYL wasn't in the house today, so it was just Jas, me and the seniors! Not that I was studying at all.. Just relaxing after DSC2003 midterms. It was easy! But I think I got one of the questions wrong. Which means.. die!
The day was alright. Quite uneventful, in fact. I am just glad that one of the tests are over, and that I finished doing the organisational chart. That means two things struck off my list! Yayness!
Why are there people reading my blog from the US? And it's not just from Cornell University. It's from Chicago and Kansas! Makes me feel a little weirded out. I guess I ignorantly thought that this was my little space to blog as I will. -shrugs-
I decided to post an emo song anyways, mainly because I am taking a break from studying about Sensitivity Analysis. It's The Scientist by Coldplay. A very old song, but still almost new to me.
If you have a chance, watch their official MTV on YouTube. It's pretty cool how everything is filmed in rewind. I want to learn how to do that!
I wanted to post 吴克群‘s 爱太痛 for this post, but I decided it was too emo and would only serve to depress me further. So instead, I decided to post this photograph Rich took on my birthday dinner at Timbre@Substation!
If I remember correctly the swirling lights was the tiny electric candle they had on the tables. The last time I went, they didn't even have those anymore. I guess customers are assumed know to bring night vision goggles!
This photo was stolen from Rich's Facebook album. I did some photoshopping to make it look more interesting and to make the swirls glow more. Generally I like it! =) I guess I am more of the overphotoshopper. LOL.
Management Science midterms is tomorrow!! Hope I can finish everything by tonight..!
Mousehunt is undergoing maintenance, and I am quite sick of TRYING to study, so here's some blogging!
It's Chee Keen's birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEE KEEN!) so we kind of celebrated a little for him with a cake in church. Yays! Chocolate cake! I kinda chose it so I could eat it. LOL.
I am looking at Chor Seng's Photo a Day and thinking of starting the same thing. In fact, there are quite a number of people on Facebook doing photo-journalling by posting a photo a day. Most of which is quite emo - but that's besides the point. If I do succeed, i.e. overcome the laziness to upload photos every day, you'd see more posts and photos!
Anyways, the midterms will start tomorrow, and I still don't feel totally prepared for it. Looks like the Army syndrome is not that easy to get rid of. I don't feel like I am studying in Uni at all! Feels more like work. And I have a tendency to not bring work home. Hahas. That's a big problem for me. Been sleeping and eating this whole weekend and doing scarcely anything productive. Arghs!
Hopefully tomorrow's gonna be a good day. Speaking of which, watch this! It's totally awesome pawsome! It's on Facebook so I can't embed it. But really. WATCH IT.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I cut my hair!
If there's one thing that Buddhist monks got right, it's that hair is an annoying piece of accessory the human can do without. Hmm.. typing that made me wonder why Buddha didn't cut his hair but left it long..
Anyways! I feel much better without hair peeking at the borders of my vision and hair weighing me down. And the fact that I didn't get a very expensive one too! Thank God I didn't go for REDS. Hahas.
Lesson turned out okay. I think Ms Goh was contented for me to pass only. LOL. And I told her that I probably wouldn't want to take exams again until.. next year? There's just no time to practise lately. Merr!
I know it's probably pity and mercy on the part of the tester, but it's still a good feeling to know that I didn't throw money into the drain.
I don't think I would want t hazard another exam any time soon. At least not when I am in Bizad Club. Hahas. Time is so precious now, I would buy it if I could.
Recess week is quickly coming to an end and I feel as if I didn't have the week at all. Studies are lagging behind and the general sense of assurance is just not there. I NEED TO STUDY!!!
You know, when you find studying therapeutic, you know something is wrong.
I guess it's evident enough that I haven't been in the best of moods lately. I just need to get stuff off my chest but there's nowhere to dump it to but here..
Heard this song when we were at Timbre@Substation for Yishin's farewell dinner. Have fun in England! Party hard and get loads of chicks! I think it's always a good idea to get an overseas education. The experience you gain would be priceless, not to mention the alternative culture that you get to experience. I'm jealous! I wish I had the money to study overseas too =/ Mer!
Frankly speaking, I'm not sure why I have been feeling so down lately. I guess part of the reason is the stress. The workload is not such that I cannot handle, but enough that it irritates me to no end.
A long time back, when I was in Primary School, my form teacher for P5 and P6 once said to us that the truest and best friends you would find would be from primary school. We were to therefore cherish the times we had with each other because even 6 years is not a long time.
I have found that what she said was only partially true. My longest and good friend is from primary school. But I believe my truest friends were met through my Secondary School days. Where else can you experience that degree of fun and closeness as we did things together in CCAs and had fun spoofing things and bitching around with each other, etc etc?
Even as I move on to varsity life, I feel like I am getting increasingly disenchanted with people relationships. Relationships seem to be based on utility - what we can get out of the other person - rather than a genuine care and concern, or even a desire to know the other person more. "HTHT" is just an excuse for the scandal making machine or a way to know your thoughts for whatever ends in the future. It's a dark, morbid, cynical thought. But I have come to see that this is closest to the truth. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. And I hope many exceptions, at that.
As Cheeks has said, maybe everything is just perspective and I am just having a negative perspective now. I certainly hope so.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Feeling much better once I saw that I could live without a vice. I guess it was the fact that I had to find one that stressed me out all along.
I'm missing a lot of things from the past. Busyness seems to have this effect on me. A gathering should be in order! And it's not just the clique that I miss...
Alas, things past are better left in memory. It's what makes them beautiful. And I will move on too. To wherever be.
I was reading the lyrics for Jesus Take the Wheel when I saw the lyrics "and she saw both their lives flash before her eyes" when the memories of Tan Long flooded in.
"Saw his life flush past".
That was really a good one. Hahas. I can't really remember the last time I had fun. And I really miss the times we had fun just doing silly things. Like posing for an MTV in the swimming pool. Or deciding whether or not to hurl abuses at Hana. Or even just the many DotA sessions and arguing about which hero is stronger and what item does what.
Life is just not that great for me right now. And I know I will get out of it soon. Just need some time to breathe, catch up, forget about my lousy exam.. and everything will be alright.. I hope.
To be honest, I am still quite stressed over my lack of a Vice. Some part of me feels that the reason that I have no Vice is because I am a lousy person. I wish it were not so. And I know it's not the right thing to think or feel, but I can't help it.
This feeling of inadequacy is compounded with the fact that I screwed up my piano exams big time and that I am seriously behind for my studies =(
The piano exams was quite the disaster. Basically I was unnerved by the plain white CLAUSTROPHOBIC room and the silence of it all. Imagine all that you can hear is your own playing. That's really really scary. The angmohness of the angmoh didn't help at all. I just felt like an inferior piece of shit in an atas environment like Delfi Orchard. Man.
I don't think I am that suited for this exam thing.. I'm so much better off just learning and playing by myself. Why oh why did I let Ms Goh convince me otherwise? Haix.
Anyways, I should really get to working on my studies. Ciao.
It's gonna be my piano exams tomorrow! I have been playing 3 pieces for one freaking year just for tomorrow, but I don't have the confidence that I can do well.
Why? Because I am a bloody slacker. =/ I don't practise as much as I would like, mainly because I have a complaining neighbour and a father who looks over my shoulders too much. Those might very well be excuses though..
These few days are less stressful as compared to last week, but I am still feeling an overarching sense of dread, mainly coming from the fact that I know I am slipping in my studies. Not exactly that I don't know how to do stuff, just that I feel like I am spending less and less time on it. I have to start regulating my life! Start putting my schoolwork first!
On other news, I am still having difficulty finding a vice-director for Digital Media and Publicity. I never knew that people with Photoshop skills or website maintenance skills were in such short supply. Now I do. Almost none of the people I know in Bizad knows how to use Photoshop. Those that do know feel too jaded and sian about it to want to pick it up as my Vice. Which of course, makes me a sad sad person. =(
Other than that, nothing much is bothering me, which is a good thing =) I just hope that the myriad of things that I have to do/attend to would lessen!
I feel generally tired these days, so I shan't banter further. Until next time!
I never quite thought Chee Keen meant a life like this when he described University as "short but intense". Yet right now I am really living it.
I would describe it as "fast" instead of "short" though. It's already the end of Thursday when it seems like it was Monday just yesterday. Weeks have flown past without mercy and taken me on a wild ride without allowing me a moment for a breather.
I don't precisely remember if I mentioned being worried about my schoolwork. I guess it's not really worry per se. It's just the anxiety that comes with not being able to complete everything ahead of time like in JC or in Secondary School. Things in NUS come at the last minute, and I almost always finish just in time. It's horrible not to be able to "clear" anything. It is almost as if every minute is a busy one. Good if you are bored, bad if you are overworked.
Perhaps it's that time again to refocus on my priorities. I musn't let this tsunami of work overwhelm and conquer me. It's time to ride the waves to keep my head above the water!!
There's a lot of stuff swimming up in my head and I wish I could sieve each thing out like what Dumbledore does in Half-Blood Prince. Alas, life is not fiction.
One of the most important update is of course the fact that I got into Bizad Club's 23rd Management Committee! I'm the latest Director of Digital Media and Publicity =) With it comes so much responsibility and stuff to do that I am frankly quite intimidated. Hopefully I survive..
On the school work front, I'm starting to catch up after one whole week at Bazaar one week back. Just hope that I can maintain some kind of momentum and really MUG! Midterms are coming soon, and it's really really scary =S
Do pray for me yah? I need strength to do my work. And you read this!! Jiayou too. =D Let's all work hard towards our goals.
Spent the whole day moping around because I had water stuck in my nose and water running down and water everywhere on Subway serviettes. Hate it when I get runny nose!
Was feeling quite emo too, but I shan't elaborate. I think it's just the flu getting to me. Argh.
Nothing a man-date can't solve though. I spent dinner teasing EQ about ML and hearing how he earned money from the stock market and the everything became alright. Yay!
Now I just have to tackle my Linear Programming and Nation Building tutorial.. =S
Feeling a little burnt out. Too much rushing here and there, too much schoolwork to attend to. =(
I've got to find some equilibrium before my hair drops off.
The random ramblings of a very happy guy who used to be emo. Watch me turn my daily chaos into logical outflows!
RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME I am currently studying in university and aspires to have a career in Marketing for an FMCG. I have a recent obsession with Social Media Marketing, so you are gonna see a lot of that here.
I also do a little bit of design work, though an amateur at best. I love good design though!