I am getting enlisted!! Yay! A chance to get to serve my country and to defend the good peoples of Singapore! - Right.
I was totally not expecting it cos most of my classmates got theirs last Saturday and Zhaoyu, Tan Long, Teckie and Rich were just talking about how they already received theirs. I was totally mentally prepared to get in in April! Grr.. wet blanket.
I was thinking about how I could become an apprentice at some French restaurant and eventually become a world famous culinary chef when I get out of the army and when I graduate. Or working at Coffee Club so I can earn enough money to buy all the things I want to buy like that Dolce and Gabanna suit I wanted!! Argh..

According to the letter I am going into BMTC 1. My brother says it's the better school. Hahas.. Hope I get a white horse in my unit! Heehaw!
Apparently we don't get to charge the handphones we bring because the whole of Tekong runs on generators and they are afraid that too many chargers will overload the crap out of them. Hope my Samsung batteries will last.. I think I will go buy two more just in case..
They are giving us cool stuff too! Free swimming trunks is always a plus. Hope they give the right size! We are getting the really cool ARMY PT kits too, and stainless fork and spoon. Hmm.. I was wondering why they are not afraid we might kill each other with the fork. You know how prisons and airplanes no longer have metal spoons? I always thought the same would apply with the army. Evidently not. Then again, what's a fork when you've got M16s and SIGs?
Okae, I am sounding super hyped up. Hahas. Just hope I get into OCS and get all the moolah! I am money-crazed right now. I need money!!!
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