"My sister was choking at home!!" says Tan Long. "My whole family very sensitive to these things one. Wah.. I almost died when I came here lorh!"
Meterological snapshots all over the city shows us just how badly visibility has been affected these few days due to the irresponsible hack and slash, slash and burn, crash and burn methods of the Indons.

Another interview with one Mr Lian reflected the sentiment of many in Singapore
What do you think about the haze?
Terrible! I am the kind of guy who gets really affected by the weather. I get groggy, headache -
all kinds of ailments associated with it.
Do you blame the Indons for it?
Nope. Though my maths teacher said something funny. She said PSI = please stop, Indonesia. Can you get it over and done with? So I can migrate to an air-con room. CAUSE I AM DYING UNDER THE IMMENSE HEAT.
Indeed. Along with the haze has brought sweltering weathers, exacerbated by the humid weather of the monsoon season. This reporter compares the weather outside to being in a furnace.

Our resident scientist comments on this phenomenon in argument with another researcher:
"The haze produces a coat that keeps in the sun's heat, strengthening the greenhouse effect, superheating the air."
"Yarh.. the UV rays are trapped in the haze, bouncing here and there."
"That's why we are all tanned!"
The political will has been weak in Indonesia even with other ASEAN countries complaining about the annual condition. We can only hope that the monsoon will bring rain soon to stop those farmers and loggers from burning anything and bring down the haze!
So here's some advice: DON'T GO OUT! GO TO MALLS, GO TO MOVIES, JUST STAY IN!! Interestingly, this advice is echoed by the National Environment Agency of Singapore. "Persons.. should reduce physical exertion and outdoor activity."
Remember, stay home.
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