Here's what caught my eye today:
Why Not Seeing Is Believing
I disagree with Andrew Sullivan on some points: Jesus is perfect okae! Perfection does not stop you from feeling pain though.. it's not doubt that caused Jesus to go into isolation or to cry out the bitter abandonment by God before He drew His last breath. Then again, we do know that the heavens and the world were darkened at that moment..
I disagree, also, with the view that we should be moderate believers, choosing some aspects of the religion over others. That's not proper doctrine! That may make social (i.e. responsible to the society) people but not godly people.
What I really liked about Sullivan's essay is the call for 'moderation', and a healthy view of doubt as faith-strengthening instead of faith-defeating. Indeed, we cannot understand the nature of God fully. In other words, it is folly to claim anything in the name of God.
He also disapproved of the world's obsession with "truth". I guess it is true (hahas.. pun!) that we have forgot to be Christians in our attempt to act Christian. Instead of being kind and friendly and Christ-like, we have shifted focus to how we and others should live our lives. That's precisely what Jesus warns us against in the incident when he first met Mary Magdalene and asked anyone who has not sinned to cast the first stone.
Ask A Gay Man: Fashion Edition
Apparently there's this guy out there giving fashion advice to all the fashion idiots out in the world. It's really kind of funny. In the first place, he's not gay (at least that's what he says in his MySpace). Second, he bitches like crazy about everything. I know, that's not nice behaviour, but it's funny to watch! Not to mention he does give some sound advice too..
Do watch his other videos too.. Apparently there are Baking Edition, Hair Edition, blah blah blah.. I didn't bother with them..

I really want to catch this movie when it comes out in Singapore. It's about World War II and the battle in Iwo Jima and the iconic photo of 6 men raising the American flag at the highest point in Iwo Jima.
This photograph eventually became the symbol for American war effort in WW2 and the movie tries to portray how the soldiers and the raising of the flag was used by the politicians to rally support for the war and to encourage the American people to buy war bonds in a time when support for the war was flailing.
It is interesting to note the parallels with what is happening in American today what with the Bush Administration declaring 'Mission Accomplished' quite some time back even before they pulled out of Iraq, and how support for the Iraq war is now down to almost nil.
Clint Eastwood also tried to portray the idea of heroism. I guess there was irony in the sense that the men who raised the flag and were called back to promote the war were labelled 'heroes' while the real heroes were really those still fighting the war.
Beloved punctuation of the day:
Ah, the full-stop. Weapon of choice to silence others by showing your crispness (i.e eagerness to end the conversation.)
Don't you think italics in pink look super pretty? :)
See how the conversation has no other way of continuing until the other party initiates another topic - hopefully of quality?
Okae.. That's it from me today..
Stay happy amidst difficulties and jiayou okae? =)
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