Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The day of work was much shorter today. Like I said before, I feel totally unnecessary here. I can be killed by stampeding wallaroos and nothing would matter. That said, I feel totally proud of my inventory which I created out of what the contractor gave me. It's like super colourful and I finished it in a matter of 2 hours, giving me a full picture of where all the stores are gonna go and what stores I have waiting for me in the containers that I packed over.

We went to Big W today for a mini shopping spree to get the stress off our heads and I finally bought my body wash! Man, imagine showering with just shampoo and water for two days! Now I can feel a semblance of cleanliness on me. And I got me a comb too... if my hair still has about 2 months of growing to do, I think I should start to tame it.

On other news, I finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! I know, I know. You probably read that like a year back. But I bought it only at $22.42 but stupid you got it at almost $60! Hahahas.. But I must say, it was a good ole gripping read. Wonder if its just me, but it seems to be a faster read than any other Harry Potter.

Time seems to be moving quite slowly now. There are so many things that we are discussing but can do nothing much about. It's like a waiting game, and everything hinges on the units arriving and us getting our acts together so that everyone leaves happy and so that all the wrongs that have been done can be corrected.

I wonder how my grandma is now.. Hopefully she is alright. Hopefully all of you back in Singapore are alright too.. Pray for me yeah? Pray for steadfastness, endurance and faith to complete what I have to do and not to let negative feelings or thoughts overcome me in my boredom. Hahahas..

Okay. I really have nothing much to say anymore.. Til later!

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