Chow En Ping Chih! Pong! Hu!
I went over right after a G4 branch farewell dinner for Mr Lim and David. Mr Lim would be leaving for ROC as messing warrant and David, of course, has gone over to the brigade side as DYS4. The steamboat was really good! I didn't know Whampoa had such good steamboat even though church is so near and we went there twice. Hmm.. Look at us enjoying the food!
G4 Branch having a heck of a time makaning. Always makaning =)
I managed to be the big winner at mahjong that night. Hehs.. but I'm not really sure I'd be able to get my money back from chow. Seems like he's in some kinda financial trouble. Just tell me if you need any help yeah? I will try with my limited allowance. Hahas..
Anyways, I think the main reason we were at Tan Long's house was to celebrate Jun Yuan and my birthday. It was quite funny seeing Tan Long whisper whisper to the others pretending we were not gonna know, and putting the birthday cake in the freezer which we will definitely open to get ice. Lols.. Strangely, I wasn't particularly excited about my birthday. Hmmm.. I guess it wasn't how I envisioned it. But thanks for the book guys! I totally need to learn how to bed girls. Hahahas.
Clockwise from Left: Enqing, Wei Ping, Rich, Me! And Rich being squashed by Enqing's hand.
As you can see, I also had lots of fun with my new camera phone! Mum bought me the W910i I wanted. So now I have to same phone as a lot of people i.e. Pamela and Zhimin. The camera is really not bad in good lighting... At least I look thin in the photos. Hahas..
We had lunch together after the stay-over at the usual Bedok Chicken Rice place. See how we managed to totally eradicate two whole chickens?! It was kinda freaky. No wonder I'm putting on weight!
Empty plates after Chicken Rice lunch
Rich's pose is so Xiaxue! And Ivan's acting cool.
And of course, after lunch we had a DotA session at the Kao Peh Receptionist Club where the person manning the counter has a perpetual stick stuck up his ass. It was totally close man, the match. Didn't think I farmed well though. One of the worser AM matches I played =/ Yes yes, I know I'm not good at DotA...
Kao Peh Receptionist Club Lan Shop
And it ended with the DotA and with me feeling really queasy. Urgh. It must have been the lack of water and not sleeping well. I think I really am getting old before I've really had enough fun. Bleh!
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