What really surprised me was Fight Club, actually. I downloaded this movie a long time ago, and watch the front part of it and then somehow deleted it. Today I got to see the whole film. Oh man oh man oh man!
The movie describes the rebellion of the blue-collar worker against the unthinking citizen who just expects everything to work out without ever thinking of the reason as to why. Why should we have good furniture? Do we really need phones that can do everything? It is story of going against society's grain, and really taking a step back to think of what we are evolving into as a whole. More frightening is the sheer power of brainwashing and the power of the little people you thought were insignificant such as waiters and bus drivers and policemen. The little people who work so that your life runs smoothly.
I really liked the twist as well. I never saw it coming. 4.5 stars! If you haven't watched it, you'd better go grab it man. No wonder it's a classic. Like. Wow! -thinks of Tan Long impersonating Debra Wilson impersonating Oprah-
Anyway, sadly for me, it didn't rain. So I didn't manage to get my swimming trip. Pretty much spent my day watching movies and eating egg sandwiches which I toasted in my pan. I found it pretty amusing that I was toasting on a pan. So cool! Hahas. Don't mind me. I love the occasional egg sandwich. It's just so tasty! And the egg has to be scrambled egg, not hard-boiled then diced. Those suck!
Recently, I've found myself becoming more inclined towards Business news and the Iraq war. Am I finally growing up? Hahas. The credit crisis is quite a frightening thing. Especially when all you hear is analysts saying that our economy is sound and will not go into a recession. Kinda makes you think if they're just preventing panic selling doesn't it? But then again, I think the worst is over, with Bernanke raising the fed rate, it seems like everything is slowly bouncing back. STI is up 49.41 points today! That's good news for us! I think the other markets are in the green too. So more hooray!
Okae, I must be crazy. Was I reporting financial news?
Yesterday saw Bush addressing veterans about staying the course in the 2nd Gulf War. (What's new?) I agree that they cannot pull out lah.. Not very responsible. But it's really American lives vs Iraqi lives isn't it? Sectarian violence is the shit. To be brutally honest, I think Iraq is becoming boring for everyone after 4 years. War was exciting when everyone believed in it, and when things were moving.. But it seems like Bush is in a quagmire and a really stale stagnant one. One word: sian. LPPL.
Sorry.. I just have this inexplicable desire to type alot suddenly. Product of ultimate boredom, no doubt.
Change of topic. Want to know a secret about me? I really wanted to be a musician. Not necessarily a commercial money earning one, but just someone who can play his piano, sing his songs and be very contented with being able to do that. Unfortunately, I'm also a person with a hidden and selective esteem issue. I'm so convinced that I won't be able to play well that I don't. See the vicious cycle? I think that I sing badly too becausee people say I sing badly. How loseristic is that? Where is that streak of (pardon the language) "fuck off, I lead my own life!!"?
And so we all live on without really thinking how we are leading this life. We blunder on, doing things we have to do. Serve NS, study, work in Fuji Xerox, sit at home blogging and rotting. What would I say when I read this next year, 5 years later, ten years on? Would I still be like this? I hope not.
Yet there's something beautiful in each moment. I was just commenting that I realised how much I loved JC life. Only now. How crappily stupid is that? Too late. But hey, that's the beauty of it all. Like I once wrote, "Memories are not things that we can lock in pictures. They stay in our heads and eat at us." But hey, without knowing the our past, how can we face our future with conviction?
Okae, I should get back to my Qiu Lian Ban Mian.
Remember the booby zi cah auntie at S11?
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