It's about time I picked myself up from my fucked-up frame of mind that I've been in since the start of July.
I know I probably look normal on the outside - I really am normally. But it's those glimpses, flashes, when I start to think convoluted thoughts in my mind when everything gets headachey and well - convoluted. Yes, you see a vicious cycle there.
The thing is I've been operating in "off-balance" mode these past month(s). I used to be able to rant and to say off my mind because there was actually someone there to listen to me. But right now, Circwood is not a very good place to be emo. I never knew the importance of a simple DotA/talk cock session until now. I miss the clique! Where are you guys? Is this the end?
This post was supposed to target a specific Foolish Thought when it formed in my head. But I guess it has evolved a little eh? The important thing is, I want to say here that I will, from now on, cease to think this Foolish Thought and focus on what is here and now, in Singapore. Like Circwood. Like my friends. Like getting my keyboard skills right. Like photography. Like GOD.
God spoke so much to me today. He said "you can do anything you set your mind to". He also said to put "holiness before happiness". Perhaps the time really is not right yet. Nothing I do will change what God has set in place for me. I just want to follow God now and see where He leads me to. Like really, without reserve. Because I know there's a better place for me.
That means not judging certain people in Circwood, like Mr Notibut, and really going back to obeying authority, and doing the best I can in everything.
Pray for me?
Now playing: Hillsong - There Is Nothing Like
via FoxyTunes
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