MA SE! If there is one person I would want to be out of the Singapore Idol competition badly, it would be Joakim. By the way, yeah, I watch Singapore Idol. I think it's a good place to practise suaning skills really.. and it's the only place I can hear people croon like me! Hahas.. Back to Joakim. I think he's trying too hard to prove himself to people. And he's bordering on arrogance. That's really disturbing to me. His whole attitude is just.. bad. His singing is too whiney anyway. So, I'm sorry Joak, if I were Singapore, you would be out this week. ANYWAY, back to me!!!!  Yeah.. I cut my hair. It's definitely nicer than my previous 'do....  I think I look a lot neater now. Hmm.. It's been really windy too. Hehs.. By the way, I airbrushed my pimples!! I feel like some magazine photo editor now. Lols.. Shit am I narcissistic or what? I haven't been blogging for quite long.. I think I am losing the skill again! Things have to be practised constantly or risk being taken away. I think it's the same for everything. That's what I realised from Go and studying anyway.. Hmm.. what can I really say now? School life has become really unbearable for me. It was pleasant for the longest time, then it just became bad. I begin to dread going to school and yearn going home all day. It's kinda bad because I normally don't get work done at home. With the prelims coming so near, this is kind of a suicide for me. I know the cause of the problem, but it's nothing I can solve. I am hoping it would just pass out of my system as everything does. Like let me forget about it, and just move on, get some new revelation about how I should go about doing things and just start working again!! Sitting at the bus stop today, I was reminded of certain things again. Sometimes I just wish I could start forgetting some things. Here's a song dedicated to the person I thought of! Never Saw Blue Like That Performed by Shawn Colvin Written by Tom Kimmel, Jeff Franzel, Mark Luna
Today I took a walk up the street And picked a flower and climbed the hill Above the lake
And secret thoughts were said aloud We watched the faces in the clouds Until the clouds had blown away
And were we ever somewhere else You know, it's hard to say
And I never saw blue like that before Across the sky Around the world You've given me all you have and more And no one else has ever shown me how To see the world the way I see it now Oh, I, I never saw blue like that
I can't believe a month ago I was alone, I didn't know you I hadn't seen or heard you're name And even now, I'm so amazed It's like a dream, It's like a rainbow, it's like the rain
And somethings are the way they are And words just can't explain
Cause I never saw blue like that before Across the sky Around the world You've given me all you have and more And no one else has ever shown me how To see the world the way I see it now Oh, I, I never saw blue like that before
And it feels like now, And it feels always, And it feels like coming home
I never saw blue like that before Across the sky Around the world You've given me all you have and more And no one else has ever shown me how To see the world the way I see it now Oh, I, I never saw blue like that before
Oh, I, I never saw blue like thatOh, I started thinking about this person I knew in primary school. Zhang Meixin. It's really strange, because the only memory I have of her was that we pretended that we were cooking with her handkerchief. That was really funny. Hahas.. I wonder if she's still out there somewhere. It would be really cool you know.. Hahas.. Well.. here goes my random rant. I should come back when I am more coherent. Hehs.. Takkaire.. Ja!
2 Peter 2:4-10For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; 5if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 6if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men 8(for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard) - 9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment while continuing their punishment. 10This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority.
I had a revelation in this passage in 2 Peter. I talked before about how our sins are already forgiven before we committed them, and after we commit them as an act of grace by Lord Jesus. The embolden verse clearly states however, the end of those who continue to indulge in their sinful nature and do not repent. This includes "Christians" who have said the sinner's prayer, go to church, but don't live out their lives as a Christians should: with holiness and in imitation of Christ. God promises the eternal fire of punishment for those who do not obey him, no matter how good they think they are. Even angels, who are made to be perfect are sent to hell! But he also promises salvation and protection for the righteous. i.e. those who obey and seek Him first. This ties in with what Hsia Pin was talking about when we were at Gelare. Post-modernism. That's supposed to be the idea that there's no truth, and that all things are shaped by bias, and therefore one's version of truth is only true for him. In the Bible, God clearly states that He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and that no one gets to Father God except through Jesus - that is, through truth. Extrapolation: No truth, no God, no salvation, go to hell. HMM.. This passage had a certain impact on me because of what someone said to me before. She said exactly what postmodernism talks about. She said that there's no right or wrong, no truth, and life is just lived how it is lived. I finally come to this verse a year later, and then I see the stark difference between being a Christian and being of the world. Perhaps if I saw this a year earlier I could have mentioned it or something.. The passage also reminded me not to treat God lightly, for the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. (2 Chron 16:9) So He's looking all the time! If I still indulge in sin knowing that I grieve God in such things, can I still call myself a child of God? In that aspect, God is gracious to us. For those who are in Him are no longer in the the world and sin, and we have the power to overcome sin, such that we no longer sin. It's like suddenly everything becomes clearer to me.. and now I really understand what it means by "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom 8:1). Wow!
Government = Nation? Think about that.
I am just watching Unfaithful on Channel 5 right now. The show is themed around love vs lust. It's about how this woman met a french stranger, and got entangled in a relationship with him. So she spends her days having sex with him when her husband goes to work and her child is at school. Soon enough, she had to make up lies to cover her frequent visits to the city and that's how she is slowly found out to be unfaithful by her husband. It's a refreshing piece of work, really. Not because of the theme. Love vs Lust has been played out countlessly, from Shakespeare to American tele nowadays which talks about "fuck-buddies" (pardon the f word). It's refreshing because of the direction of the film. How she is portrayed to be unable to resist the temptation. And I love the music too.. everything seemed so whimsical and graceful. Beautifully shot. You could actually fall for the french guy. Yes, given the right circumstances (i.e. when your husband is a busy man and you are left alone at home). When the sex is really good (it is hinted that it's really really good in the film). Such heartache for the husband! Someone once said that adultery is worse without love. At least there would be some justification for the actions. At least there would be the joy of love lost. Mindless is unpardonable, I guess.. That led me thinking.. what is love and what is lust? How do you tell when you start to love someone? When is it just lust? I guess there is no real answer for that. It's a theme that would be in the GP syllabus if Singapore was not a country of prudes. Then again, we can't have kids talking about sex would we? Cos if we talk about it, chances are we would go on to actually doing it! Think of the negative externalities of having rampant sex. Unwanted babies, AIDS spreading around.. Would I know if I loved someone? The wonders of the television! I managed to write something about sex without ever experiencing it. So happens I am reading a book which talks of International Gestures. How true it is that we have started to live lives in televisions! So much so that our actions are typical and clones of each other. I guess that's the true science of TV! Alright! Enough of this. Before I forget that my life is studying and eating and sleeping ONLY.
I'm blogging right now with nothing in my head. I rarely try this. Most of the time, I have a point to make or something that I want to get off my chest. Hmm.. this is kind of fresh =) I spent most of the evening trying to do calculus. There's a Math test tomorrow!! I'm studying for that one calculus question which would come out because I know that my differentiation and integration sucks to the core. (hmm.. have you ever wondered what core this is? Like the core of an apple? The core of the earth? Curious...) Of course, I procrastinated as usual. Managed to squeeze in playing Go on KGS (I won by resignation, by the way.) and watching Oprah, and now, watching Wow Wow West. No one to stop me. Hmm. Oprah wasn't very interesting today. They basically reviewed the most memorable episodes of Oprah to each Senior Producer. Isn't it interesting how jobs work? You work for long enough, and they add a 'senior' to your title, and you get to do more work for about the same pay. My mum doesn't even get this. She just gets the roman numeral on her job title changed. Like Computer Executive VI to Computer Executive III. And there are people out there who are happy that they are "promoted"! This world is really weird. Hahas.. Okae, that was random! Spent time talking to eelings and Genial this afternoon over our very much extended lunch.. Somehow we got to table-tennis.. I can really see that eeling has a lot of passion for it. I guess things don't change even after you leave the sport. The fire for it never really dies.. Then we got to Jason Ho. How is that guy?? Haven't contacted him for so long.. I don't think I know how to now. Wah.. but it was really fun in Sec 1 and 2. Wish we stayed in contact. He's really cute and cool. Hahas.. No I am not gay, Rich! But yeah. Jason is a good friend. Blame myself for always having nothing to talk about. I am not a good conversation creator. Evidenced from conversations with pig and Jamie. You can try to get something outta me, but if I can't, I really can't. Haix. Why?? Maybe I should go for lessons.. Looked at some black blogs too. I was finding ways to add more colour to the Allegiance blog. Well, turns out that a type of cyan and a particular hue of orangey yellow works well with black without being overly bright. But I don't see the need to change anything yet, so I'd just hold my thought. What else? Went to Andrew Sullivan's to read about Middle East fundamentalism vs sex. Hahas.. quite interesting. Funny how I never think of such things when I read the news. I normally take things at face value. How superficial! I guess these things take time.. I shall strive to improve my GP!!! Oh well, I'd better get back to my Math. Remember to watch Grey's Anatomy!! See y'all tomorrow!
We had Bible Study today on Spiritual Gifts. Here's some things I learnt! Scripture Text: 1 Cor 12:1, 7-11 (NIV)v.1 Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant.
v.7 - v.11 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines. WHY DOES GOD GIVE US SPIRITUAL GIFTS?- For the common good of men, as mentioned in v.7
- To understand things that God wants us to do / to know the will of God
- To build up the Body of Christ (ref. Eph 4:11-13 - ... so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature...)
- To restore glory to God / Prove the presence of God
- Save souls
- To experience God fully thereby building up our faith
- cos God loves us! (ref Matt 7:11 - If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!)
WHAT HAS GOD GIVEN THE CHURCH?- Prophecy, tongues, vision, interpretation, music team, PA, administration, etc (ref v.28-30 - ... eagerly desire the greater gifts)
WHAT DO SPIRITUAL GIFTS DO?- Helps the church to function as it should be
- God's presence manifests when we exercise our spiritual gifts
- God works through everyone to build us up
- All of us are important. God wants all of us to contribute
HOW TO GET SPIRITUAL GIFTS?- ASK!!! (ref. Matt 7:7-8)
- Exercise your gifts (ref. Matt 25:29)
- God will not fool us. When we ask for a word in corporate prayer, the devil will have no power to plant visions in our head.
- Visions and words have to edify the church, and praise God. (v.3-4 - no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says,"Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.)
- Just step out in faith if I get a word. Someone will have an interpretation for it..
I've actually had a quite a few visions but never ever went up to share.. It seems like they are getting lesser nowadays. Saw a spear with a black tip today. Hmm.. I must start sharing more from today on! I was always afraid that my vision might just be a figment of my imagination. Now, I realise that it's not. Okae.. next, I just need to overcome my Goliath of thin-skin. Hmm..
It was Shuying's birthday on the 12th. That's yesterday, actually.. She actually thanked me quite politely for remembering her birthday. I guess for anyone else it would have been alright. But the way she put it made me feel even more distant from her.. Gee. I guess we aren't really even friends now. How did this happen? And it's only been 3 years. Seems like I really can't keep friends.. I went for the Ngee Ann Poly Duathlon in the morning. Man, one month of not working out really makes difference. I nearly died after the 3km run. Only 3km! Looks like I am not as young as I was. (duh!) We got 9th overall in our particular race. Oh well.. we just went for fun, so I guess it was alright. I know that Wei Lun wanted to win.. I really am sorry that I couldn't be a better partner.. I guess it's just meant to be like that. Anyway, we got the NUM t-shirt which tempted us to join in the first place. It didn't turn out as nice as we expected it to be. Oh well.. at least we get to exercise again! Went to makan at Sakura buffet to celebrate my brother's birthday in the evening. The food was really quite bad. I do not recommend the restaurant at all. The sushi was quite stale, and the only nice thing I tasted was the chicken rice. Hmm. $26 is just not worth it. We later went to watch the last day of the fireworks fest. I didn't manage to take nice photos because of the irritating tree and building in the way. Argh. I guess my brother was right to say that they should have shut off the roads to let us watch the fireworks. It was such chaos there! A few hundred people squashed in such a small area. You can imagine how difficult it was for us to go home by MRT!! Got squeezed like siao. And SMRT had to terminate all their trains at AMK to make the congestion worse. GRR.. I missed homegroup as a result of my brother's birthday. Seems like I missed quite a lot. Haven't been catching up with the latest stuff.. Like the music thingy they are gonna have for the launch and all.. Haix. It's gonna be pot-luck! I hate pot-luck. Reminds me of the stove I have at home which no one uses, or which no one knows how to use. If we were all bee hoon cooking families! Oh well.. Not complaining or anything.. I shall just bring drinks and buyable things.. Yeah..
A woman turned the ashes of her daughter into a diamond after she died of leukemia (See MSNBC). It first struck me as impossible when I first read the news in The New Paper. Genial thought it was disgusting to be carrying your daughter around after her death. One can empathise with the mother. It was the last wishes of young Hannah Rowley. She was just 8 years old. At first I thought it was kind of romantic to have your loved one so close to you even after death. Right now, I think it's so pointless to hold on to someone when everything else is gone. Like the observation of a ritual which everyone has forgotten the meaning to. Perhaps closure is best found in absence and the allowing of memories to fade with time...
Since it's the weekends, I thought I would spam my blog with just one more post before I go practise my piano.. Here's an IQ test I just took. Hahas.. I'm above average after all!
If you want to take the test, go to Tickle! IQ Test
133133 | You scored 133 on Tickle's IQ test. This means that based on your answers, your IQ score is between 123 and 133. Most people's IQs are between 70 and 130. | In fact, 95% of all people have IQs within that range. 68% of people score between 80 and 120. The following chart to your right, shows these percentages and where your IQ score is on that scale.
There's more to intelligence than a single number, a single score or a single label. Tickle uses four distinguishable Intelligence Scales in the Ultimate IQ Test. By analyzing your individual scores on those four scales, we are able to look beyond the raw IQ score into how you process information and thereby determine your Intellectual Type. |
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| You have a strong ability to process visual-spatial and mathematical information. These skills combined with your strengths in logic are what make you a Visual Mathematician.
You're able to understand patterns visually and in numbers. That means your mind can create a mental picture for any problem. In addition to that skill, you possess an intelligence that allows you to apply math to that picture, too. That helps you manipulate multiple parts of the picture (or problem) to come up with a solution. | You have many skills that are critical to success and problem-solving. Your talents help you understand the "big picture," which is partly why people may turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. You flourish in environments where tasks are clearly defined, and you are a whiz at improving processes and making things more efficient. Your ability to detect patterns and your skills in math and logic, make it natural for you to come up with ideas and theories that simplify processes for everyone.
Outside of work, Visual Mathematicians tend to do well at strategic activities like chess. It must be that ability to recognize patterns — both as they are and how they develop. Regardless of how you put your mind to use, you've got a great set of talents. You will be able to envision a clear path and calculate the risks, and more importantly, the rewards, of anything you take on. |
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Because of the way you process information, these are just some of the many careers in which you could excel: - Physicists
- Chess player
- City planner
- Astronomer
- Physicists
- Mathematician
- Researcher
You've got tons of strengths. It wouldn't surprise us if you: - Can give practical application to abstract thought
- Can predict patterns
- Are resourceful & practical
- Envision the "big picture"
| | |  |
| Now let's look at the factors that contribute to you being a Visual Mathematician with a 133 IQ score.
Based on the results of your test, Tickle divided your scores into four distinguishable dimensions — mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, linguistic intelligence and logic intelligence.
Here's how each of your intelligence scores break down:
Your Mathematical Percentile  You scored in the 100th percentile on the mathematical intelligence scale.This means that you scored higher than 90% - 100% of people who took the test and that 0% - 10% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
Your mathematical intelligence score represents your combined ability to reason and calculate. You scored relatively high, which means you're probably the one your friends look to when splitting the lunch bill or calculating your waitresses' tip. You may or may not be known as a math whiz, but number crunching might come a little easier to you than it does others.
This is the kind of question that helped to determine your mathematical intelligence score:
A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times as old as he is. When the boy is 12 years old, how old will his sister be? 16, 20, 24, 28, 32.
answer: 20. The sister is (3 )three times older than her (4) four-year-old brother. Three times 4 is 12, in other words, when he is four, she is 12. Twelve years old is 8 years older than 4 years old, which makes her 8 years older than him. This never changes. Therefore, when he is 12, she is still 8 years older, or 12+8=20.
Like anything, keeping or improving your math talents requires practice. Here are some everyday mental exercises that could be particularly helpful to you: - Balancing your checkbook
- Figuring out your monthly budget
- Predicting what the change will be the next time you buy something
- Calculating your waitperson's tip in your head
Your Visual-Spatial Percentile 
You scored in the 100th percentile on the visual-spatial intelligence scale. This means that you scored higher than 90% - 100% of people who took the test and that 0% - 10% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
The visual-spatial component of intelligence measures your ability to extract a visual pattern and from that envision what should come next in a sequence. Your score was relatively high, which could mean that you're the one navigating the map when you're on an outing with friends. You have, in some capacity, an ability to think in pictures. Maybe this strength comes out in subtle ways, like how you play chess or form metaphors.
Here's the type of question that contributed to your visual-spatial intelligence score:
The answer lies in recognizing not only the visual sequence of a square and then a line, but in the recognizing the solidity of the line in the first example and the broken quality of the line in the second example.
Like anything, keeping or improving visual-spatial talents requires some practice. Here are some everyday mental exercises that will be particularly helpful to you: - Playing chess, or video games like Tetris
- Studying maps and become the navigator on your next trip
- Sculpting or photography
Your Linguistic Percentile 
You scored in the 90th percentile on the linguistic intelligence scale. This means that you scored higher than 80% - 90% of people who took the test and that 10% - 20% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
Linguistic abilities include reading, writing and communicating with words. Tickle's test measures knowledge of vocabulary, ease in completing word analogies and the ability to think critically about a statement based on its semantic structure. Your score was relatively high, which could mean you know your way around a bookstore and maybe like to bandy about the occasional 25-cent word to impress friends.
Here's the type of question that contributed to your linguistic intelligence scale score:
Inept is the opposite of:
Answer: Skillful.
The answer is derived by prior knowledge that "inept" means "unskillful" (Oxford Concise Dictionary).
Like anything, keeping or improving linguistic talents requires some practice. Here are some everyday mental exercises that will be particularly helpful to you: - Doing crossword puzzles
- Start reading just for fun
- Befriending your dictionary
- The next time something breaks, try reading the instruction book first
Your Logical Percentile 
You scored in the 90th percentile on the logical intelligence scale. This means that you scored higher than 80% - 90% of people who took the test and that 10% - 20% scored higher than you did. The scale above illustrates this visually.
Tickle's logical intelligence questions assess your ability to think things through. The questions determine the extent to which you use reasoning and logic to determine the best solution to a problem. Your logic score was relatively high, which could mean that when the car breaks down, your friends look to you to help figure out not only what's wrong, but how to fix it and how you're going to get to the next gas station.
Here's the kind of question that contributed to your logical intelligence score:
If some Wicks are Slicks and some Slicks are Snicks, then some Wicks are definitely Snicks.
Answer: False The statement is false because while some Wicks might be Slicks, there is no conclusive proof that any of them might be Snicks.
Like anything, keeping or improving logical talents requires some practice. Here are some everyday mental exercises that will be particularly helpful to you: - Trying some brain teasers
- Throwing away the instructions and relying on instinct to fix something
- Playing chess
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 Hahas.. Kinda self-explanatory, don't you think? It's Pamela's birthday today! She's like my oldest friend.. How long has it been? 10 years! OMG. I guess we are not as close as how my sister is close to her friends, but we still meet once a year.. Hmm. Man, I kind of miss her and Shu Juan.. We haven't been able to find a date where we can all be free to meet. Haix.. But back to the topic! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM! May you stay pretty always and may your wishes come true. Hehs.. I think my birthday greetings are atypically the same. I really mean it though.. stay happy always! =)
I met Chin Guan and Liansheng in J8 today! It was totally unexpected. I saw Liansheng while I was waiting to give my gift to Xi Xun, and then he told me that he was meeting Chin Guan. Wow. Haven't met him in like what? One and a half years? There's much warmth in meeting old friends. We started talking about RI, the teachers and all, and they starting talking about choir stuff. That didn't really matter though.. It was more of the presence of them. I never knew just being around old friends would be so fun. Man, I miss the old days!! How to catch up with everyone? Thank God for such joy and delight in this. =)
 "He had always wondered: can women do this too? Can they switch from real people to fantasy people and feel soothed by them? Will they ever tell? They don't tell. Women don't tell the truth about themselves. About love, about the way they love. Or else the truth is genuinely pure, involving no second-guessing - in which case, who could stand to hear it?.. It is called a happy ending. The miracle of cinema is how rarely the convention of the happy ending is broken. The bigger miracle is that the convention of the ending is never broken at all. Alex watches Joey watching Kitty watching the huge flickering faces of people she presumes to be gods."- The Autograph Man (Pg 161-162), Zadie Smith, Penguin Books These two paragraphs just struck me while I was reading on the train on my way home. How does she do it? Putting the things we already know in prose in such a fresh way. I could never write like that. There's a detached quality to all good writers which I can never achieve.
If you didn't know already, I'm a Zadie fan. I've read On Beauty, White Teeth and now The Autograph Man. I guess it's the way she seems convoluted at the start, and then begin to make sense after you've read it through. And the characters are never perfect, always flawed. On drugs, having affairs or putting too much emphasis on friends, neglecting the family.
I hope I didn't breach any copyright law.. I did put my references, so it should be alright right? It's true that women never tell. Actually, it's even true for every relationship you can have. Truth is often hidden by perspective. How rare is surety!
I particularly loved the way she described the cinema and how the lover observes the one he loves watching the moving pictures, almost as if you could feel how Joey indulged in watching Kitty..
I really want to know what happened, but I shouldn't because it's really none of my concern. So should I find out or not?When I found out that Liansheng was using my line, "If life could go on rewind, would everything be alright?", I was actually happy. Yeah Liansheng. Then again, I thought: is this not too angsty and being King Canute?I really had fun today. I realise that I've come to love S6A, and I'd probably miss everyone as badly as I miss RI when all this is done and over with. Don't know if I would be able to handle that.. not seeing them again..I suck at Agility heroes for dotA. Like if there was a really strong word for suck, like imbibe, I'd be an imbiber. Hm.HML music is playing through the iTunes, and I kind of miss it. The Cheryl type of music that just relaxes you without you expecting it to. After all, it's opera. Maybe I like opera after all.. Hahas
Things are either meant to be or not meant to be. To actually find out, live life or read the bible.
Finally, I complete the rainbow!
Being Singaporean means being able to sing all those National Day songs by Tanya Chua, Steph Sun and Gong Shi Jia (AKA Kaira Gong) with my friends in the hall in JC proudly even though we denounce propaganda all the time. Being able to wake up every day to an MRT that leaves right before I reach the station, but always at the same time. Being able to sip coffee and talk cock with my friends without worrying about the next bomb or even the next meal And actually being able to understand what "talk cock" means! Being able be defensive about Singapore when the Hong Kong media scolds us for being legalistic and inflexible when our Bak Kut Teh was refused to Mr Donald Tsang, and when we are reprimanded for being an authoritarian democracy with minimal political voice Being able to use Singapore Colloquial English with ease and have everyone understand you perfectly, and yet being able to use Singapore Standard English as and when I need to. Being an angbao for one day because I love the red and white on my country's flag. I am a Singaporean. 我是新加坡人!
 I had been meaning to write about this movie since I watched it on Sunday, but haven't had the time since I was uploading so many photos yesterday night. So here's the review!! Let me tell you hope many popcorns first: 4!! Only because 5 is reserved for the best movie I have ever seen in my life. Not that I would know until that moment.. I watched this with my brother, my cousin and my auntie. Really worth the money, I must say.. And the time. Anyway, CLICK's storyline is about this guy who was looking for a universal remote control to control all the appliances in his house. This point is rather ironic because he's supposed to be scraping by life, barely having enough. So anyway, he got fed up of not knowing which remote to use for what, so went to look for a universal remote! The story starts getting interesting when he goes to the Beyond section of Bed Bath and Beyond, only to find an old scientist, should I say, working on sciency stuff. So he asks if he has a universal remote for him, and he does! At this point we all sort of surmise that he is dreaming, since he fell into a bed.. To not spoil the movie, I can't really say what happens.. But he eventually learns the importance of family and that fast-forwarding through life and experiencing only the good parts is not the way to go. And that true happiness may not necessarily be derived from the world's success, and that love, especially familial love is of utmost importance. Hence the quote, "Family over work" before he dies.. If you want to know the twist, go watch the movie! It's only $8.50! Don't be cheap! Hahas.. yeah. -end of review!!- I really wanted to watch Lakehouse, but I guess I won't have the chance to now. Hais. A levels are really more important ba....
I went to the plastic surgeon this weekend! Here's some pictures from his clinic as proof. Hahas.. too bad there's nothing from Nip/Tuck here. In case you were wondering, I didn't get my nose done. And yes, all my good looks are natural hohohohoho!-high shrilled laughter- JJ Chua Rejuvenative Cosmetic & Laser Surgery No Plastic!
Because he was so popular, we had to wait for like 3o minutes for our turn even though we actually booked an appointment at nine. From the consultation, we found out that he apparently has quite a few Mediacorp clients! Woah! Singapore is upgrading to Singlywood! Shake leg shake leg!
 Some paintings we took of that place.. notice the big boobs and huge eyes of the one on the right? She had plastic!We were so bored that I started taking pictures.. Here's the two paintings my sister insists that I took. Actually I don't know if this constitutes piracy. Hmmm.. Can I disclaim? Eh, don't catch me arh!
a photo of my sister =)Here! She is the culprit. If you wanna catch, catch her! See how she's smiling smugly? Hahas..
More pictures taken at JJ's...
  What an angel! Cute lil boy reading on a fountain.. and little kids eating grapes!I couldn't decide if they were angels or boys, really.. but I settled on boys since they have no wings. Hmm.. The inside of a lamp.I am super proud of this picture! An empty seat. Waiting...I really love the lighting for this seat..
Uncle taichi-ing in the midst of women doing yoga.I can imagine the ladies here saying, si mi tai chi?! Hahas. Imagine if an ah peh barged into your True Yoga course you paid hundreds for All good things have to come to an end, and we had to leave after linger for more than 2 hours in his comfortable sofas.. Ah..
There are more photos in the flickr, actually. Go take a look if you want. Hahas.. maybe I should show some I really like..
I actually went on the Orchard Road after JJ's and took some pictures on the way.
Ever seen a bull's dick?
 I took this outside of Heeren. Go take a look if you want to. Hahas..  A national cow! Hmm.. Must be scared pale at the sight of the endowment of that bull. Lols! Check these cows out around the island.. I got this particular one at *scape Traffic! And someone sticking an object into the butt of the lights.. Take that, traffic light! Out of sheer vain for my shadow. The golden arches present.. McKungfu!!! Innocence
This little boy was playing with stones where I was waiting for the bus. It reminded me of the time when I was satisfied with playing stones too..  Thought I should be patriotic and end off with a flag. NATIONAL DAY IS COMING!!! Woot! Hang out your flags if you haven't man! The coffee club certainly has! Is there some competition I can join with this pic? Hey, I am patriotic!!! Hahas...
Taken through a Nalgene bottle.
I am dreaming of getting a digital camera again! I actually figured out which one I want to get. The Panasonic Lumix DMC-F27. Man, it looks super chio with a silver finish!! Sad to say, I would never have enough money to buy it. Argh.. In the meantime, I make do with the 2.0 megapixel Finepix A203 and the 3.2 megapixel Camedia C-160 which sucks more than the Finepix. To give you and idea of their difference, you just need to look closely at the picture I took of the Face Shop products, and this picture. The Face Shop was taken using the Olympus. Haix. I actually started thinking about cameras again because I went to amk library with mk. Ahh!! At least she has a relatively good camera with functions to play with. My point and shoot cameras are quite useless. But I think I shall use them more.. At least liven up my blog! The entry looks much cooler with a picture. Hehs.. Anyway, check Toky's website out. The photographer is really good. I especially like one portrait of his of this girl with her messed up hair. Like. WAH. And if you want to see local talent in action, take a peek into supercolor1000's life. Yep. It's getting really early. I'd better sleep. Gotta go to the plastic surgeon tomorrow!!
The fact is, thinking about good things in the past don't make them come back. It only makes the present seem bleaker. I've thought it through.. I might have really loved my life before (and I don't, because I just keep looking back and back), but it's the here and now I live in. It's really easy for me to think of so many things when a familiar song plays on my iPod, or when I see something. It is quite scary to think so much. I've often wondered if I am really crazy inside.. Life's like that I guess.. Countless days of telling yourself to get off your ass and move on. Hmm.. can this be what God means when he says to take up His cross daily? To choose to live, instead of muddling in the past, in sin, or whatever. Memories exist for us to know that the present is much better than the past, and sweet memories exist to pepper our lives with sweet reminescences when things get tough. So hey, I am just going to enjoy this thrill ride before its all over. Only 3 months left! That means I would only have so much time to spend with my present reality. Gotta grab every second of it before they turn into the past I want to be in. Gotta cherish my present! And of course, work hard in the process!!!!
I must have been quite upset yesterday to start typing nonsense. Today was quite bad too.. I went to school with a heavy head on my shoulders. Hmmm.. And I came back home feeling really dizzy. With a terrible headache. Maybe I can't study for too long in one day. Hmm.. Anyway, the season of birthdays are coming soon.. Today was Lester's birthday, and it's gonna be Genial, Jun Xiong and Xi Xun's on the 5th. And of course 11, 12, 13 are consecutive birthdays I am supposed to remember. I'm gonna do something special this year: Forget all their birthdays. Yeah. I'm a jerk. Hahas.. but I think we are going out for my brother's birthday, so I can't really forget that. But the rest.. well.. I don't know. I've just been too tired and busy for anything. Maybe I can just fade out of existence like I have been doing.. Fade into the background, into the past. That would be nice. Well.. if you don't get an sms from me, here's wishing you a happy birthday beforehand. You know I love you all! I just need time to hide away from people. And things. Especially work.
Heaven ForbidThe FrayTwenty years, it's breaking you down Now that you understand there's no one around Take a breath, just take a seat Your falling apart and tearing at the seems Heaven forbid you end up alone, you don't know why Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright It's on your face, is it on your mind Would you care to build a house of your own How much longer, how long can you wait It's like you wanted to go and give yourself away Heaven forbid you end up alone, you don't know why Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright Heaven forbid you end up alone, you don't know why Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright It feels good (Is that reason enough for you) It feels good (Is that reason enough for you) It feels good (Is that reason enough for you) It feels good (Is that reason enough for you) Heaven forbid you end up alone, you don't know why Hold on tight wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright Heaven forbid you end up alone, you don't know why Hold on tight wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright Out of this one I don't know how to get you out of this one I don't know how to get you out of this one I don't know how to get you out of this one I don't know how to get you out of this one
Sometimes when I think back, it still hurts. But I want to think back! Because back was so beautiful, and now is just neverending work and endless assignments with the A levels looming. It's funny how I can be so lonely in a world so full of people. Life was tough then too.. but I had time on my hands, I had friends by my side not slogging to bloodbath a path to success. I had someone I could talk to. It's amazing how difficult it is to talk to someone now. To even articulate anything. Broken promises and tides of time have tsunamied everything away.. What's left is just scraps of memories like debris. Leaving me to wonder if the past really happened, or was just another figment of my imagination. ARGH!!! I miss you. Oh well.. I shoulld remember that you are no longer you. You are kind of dead. What do you do when people you know are dead?
I've been suffering from red eyes for quite some time now. Like really red eyes. And I don't know why! They just turned red one day and never became white again. And it's really quite irritating because my eyes ache after a while, and I start to tear without realising it. Ahh!! Pray for my recovery pls!!!
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