Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sometimes it is good to disappear for a while from all the bustle and stress. Which is exactly what I am attempting right now. The semester is passing so fast that I don't even really have spacetime (Einsteinian!) to listen to my own thoughts. So here's some time gleaned from ponning my Biz Law and Quantum Weirdness lectures to actually settle down and type out something that is coherent.

I have been feeling quite vexed of late. It's really a combination of many different factors - stress from school work, stress from XOXO, the website, lack of money, etc etc. I guess what really gets to me is this perpetual feeling of rushing and the feeling like I don't have enough time to do things that I want to do. I feel as if I am just barely clearing all my work each day and before I know it, the next day starts and new work piles up.

What I need is some respite and escape. Haix. But it looks like I can only get that once I finish all my work. That means I have to start mugging really hard and really fast. God help me. =(

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