Months on, the stone still sits right in front of me. It no longer looks like a heart to me. The red lost to a surer purple gray. What a difference a few months make!
Time is a cruel master. What lengths we go to for more time, more precious moments to create with the ones we love. When it runs out, one is left with the feeling of wanting. Wanting more. More of that light, that warmth one once felt. That smile, that enthusiasm, that spirit.
So short.
What is death? I was thinking about this my hair was dyed by a spinning heating saucer. It is naught. Though we can no longer feel the closeness of those who have left the world, their impact resounds. They live forever in the children. They live forever in our minds. I am beginning to get an understanding of this. One never truly leaves.
Our true purpose is not to live forever, to be great, even to be good. Our true purpose is to leave footprints. To impact others for good. To live a life that has made a difference. To cause others to follow your movement, your cause.
RQ, we will never forget you. And you will live forever in our hearts. Even the tides of time will not be able to wash away what you have taught me - to be the best that I can be, to do the best that we can do.
And now I suddenly have a new comprehension of immortality.
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