Sunday, March 02, 2008


Finally it has ended. Funnily with clearing the rubbish from MEGA MEGA HAPPY HOUR with "seafood". Sometimes I really have to accept the fate of being a logistician. First in, last out. Tiring sometimes, sucky sometimes, but it's quite alright =)

There was something that almost made me tear just yesterday, or should I say the day before...

Kelvin was tired of CCO asking him to cover for Jason the perma-MA mess steward, and he was getting really emo about it, saying how it was not even in his job scope and all... I could understand where he was coming from. Sometimes boss doesn't really think about how the men would feel about certain things. He just keeps wanting things to be done for face's sake.

The men were discontented because they always had to cover the mess boys' arse while they went off on their long term MCs and MAs. Sometimes it's really unfair. Kind of when you work so hard, only to see your colleague come in late in the morning and take random days of off. It's demoralising. I totally understand.

What was difficult to get across to them was that the work needed to be done regardless of how we felt. Yes, it's not necessarily fair, it's not necessarily in our jobscope, but somehow someone has to step up to the plate and do the thing. That would mean us. Us. Not one person. Because at the end of the day, no one singles out one person. It is always US. The QM Platoon. We as a whole have to work together seamlessly to provide the service to the Division to the best of our capabilities. That's what I hope to see in my platoon. But how do I get them to see this ideal without being cynical? I've been hitting walls.

It was at that moment after telling them during RO that I expected more from them than just doing their jobscope, and then seeing the guys going to the mess to carry the beer even though I told them that they could go home, that I really saw what a great bunch of guys I had. They didn't have to do it. They could have left it to others. I told them not to do it. But they did. They chose to do more. At that moment, I almost couldn't stop my tears from flowing down.

Yes, perhaps I am too drama and emo. But really. Thank God for my platoon. Even though every one of them has some peculiar thing about them, but each of them works hard. Each of them tries to do their best. That's all that I ask...

Great job guys!

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