Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An interview clinic.

I went for my interview clinic at the Career Services Office today and got really humbled by the interviewer. Not because he scolded me or any of that sort, but because I realised how immature I still am, and how much more I can improve.

The conversation started out alright with him going through what I wrote down as things that I wanted to get out of the interview clinic. It slowly drifted, though, to Christianity. I guess it was because he saw that I was in VCF and BB from my resume.

I was really intrigued by the whole conversation we had because Mr Goh managed to show me how everything that I do in life, be it in my work or otherwise, would link to my purpose in life. His main point was that once I find out what my purpose, or calling if you like, in my life is, everything would fall into place by the grace of God. Of course, it is not to say that we do nothing on our own part. In fact, he was teaching me how I should convey my message across to recruiters by thinking about how I craft my CV.

I was just amazed how a simple interview clinic and lead to talking about God and how much thinking he managed to put me through in the process. I realised that I haven't really been seeking God in my life. Simply put, if you do not see how God factors in in some aspect of life, you would have failed to seek God. Where do you see God working in this? I never did see it in that way. I guess my interpretation was always to do the best I can in the things that I do so that God can be glorified instead of seeing God in the things that I actually do. Wow. What a revelation!

I left feeling this intense desire to find out what God has for me in my life, and thinking how exactly I can find out what my purpose is. I guess I know vaguely of the path that lies ahead of me, but I don't know yet how I can get there. Today was really an encouragement for me to work towards my goals and dreams. And I don't believe it didn't happen for a reason.

All that is left now is for me to put that motivation and inspiration into action!

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