Saturday, March 06, 2010

He knows.

My dad, that is.

Knows what you ask? Well, he finally found out that I am a Christian. Which to me was really ironic timing because for the 7 years that I have been a Christian, he never found out. Yet right now, when I am not in a church, he managed to dawn upon this. LOL.. God really has a way of working that is beyond human imagination.

The really strange thing is that he didn't freak out like I expected. He just said, "我跟你传道那么多年,你还是成为基督教徒", which meant despite telling me so much about Buddhism and his beliefs, I still became a Christian. I guess deep down inside he was probably disappointed since he felt so victimised by the Christians that he knows. Which is why I wonder why his reaction was so small.

Today he caught me doing my bible study for Gcube and just commented in passing, "really doing bible study". Before that he handed me a stack of books he bought about Christianity in the past but never read, thinking that I might be interested in them.

All I can say to all this is. WOW. Then again, it might just be the calm before a storm that hasn't landed yet? I just pray to God that it isn't so..

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