Monday, June 09, 2008

Fear of Men.

It is of my opinion that one should not be caught up with the opinion of others. Quite recently, I have had the experience of dealing with the aftermath of someone who just so. He allowed the words of someone else to get to him and eat him from the inside.

How deadly the fear of man is! And how powerful the simple words that come out of our mouths are. I am so much the same. I asked a question just yesterday to fulfill my curiosity of how others thought of me. Yet I realised - how would it matter? It simply does not.

It does not matter if I am fat or thin, handsome or ugly. Even intelligent or otherwise. Simply because everyone would think something else. And I am as real as I think I am. I am only fat when I think I am. Sometimes I think Sis doesn't really think that she is fat. That is how she lives with it.

What really matters is God's opinion of us. At the end of the day, we only account to Him. Yet why don't we see that? Why do we so want to please others by being the thin and handsome guy? I guess it's all instinct?

This is really a reminder for me to do things for myself and not for pleasing others. Now, that's a hard thing to do where I work - the world of balls. I shall persist!

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