Anyways, today marked the start of the first day of school for me since I left Nanyang JC. I felt a little distracted during the Nation Building lecture (mainly because I was mousehunting) and I think it would take a little getting used to. The lecturer did her best to be lively and engaging, and honestly, I thought she did a decent job. At least now I know that history is written, not lived. Which is pretty grim, by the way. Imagine if what you think to be truth is in fact - not.
Frankly speaking, I am starting to miss my OG. Up up and away! Although it's just the start of school, and we saw each other not long ago, I just get that feeling that I'd never have that feeling of togetherness again. Sad eh? =/ University feels like a mad rush from lectures to food to lectures to PGP. I hope it only seems that way and is not really that.
Now I wonder what I should do tomorrow. I'm meeting Chor Seng at noon together with Toinh, but before that seems to be a gigantic blank for me to fill. Perhaps I could crash lectures! Or DotA!
Oh wells. I should get a gripe and let the day take care of itself. =S
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