Monday, August 31, 2009
The Crazy Week That Passed.

I spent most of my week having fun with Team FAB! making posters for our campaign, dreaming up videos and recording podcasts. You know, even if we don't get through into the MC, I think we still rock! And I think we wouldn't have regretted it. It was definitely the right choice to stick together and not go for some strategic alliance that could have restricted our fun.

Frankly, I'm very glad the Bazaar is over. I need to MUG! I don't think I am very suitable for campaigning, actually. It takes a lot out of me to try to put myself out there and make them notice me. I prefer the green pastures and farmhouse of obscurity..
Then again, it was really REALLY. FUN.
If you are from NUS Business, and you haven't yet voted for us, PLEASE DO:
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
In My Daughter's Eyes.
Music should have the ability to inspire and make people dream. I stumbled upon this song by Martina McBride when I was looking for Mother's Day music for my church video. It really made me want to start a family. Hahas..
I heard it again tonight on iTunes and just had to post this. Enjoy.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bizad Cup!

UPDATE: Took Queenie's advice and made the black words more black to make them less obvious. And I can't believe I forgot to shade the handles =( Now I did!
Inspired by Jon Loh during my Bizad Club interview, I decided to do up some designs for a Bizad Cup. KEWL (ah lian singlish emphasis) NOTS!
I wish I had more artistic skills so that I can do more funky stuff. But I don't! =(( Just have to make do with my concepts.
Do give me some comments eh! =)
Monday, August 17, 2009

Went to send Chor Seng off at the airport yesterday. He’s going off to Cornell University with an A*STAR bond of 15 years. If I were him, I wouldn’t have signed. But perhaps I’m just saying it because A*STAR would never give me such a contract… After all, it’s 15 years of solid employment. Afterwhich he can move on to become a politician or a high ranking civil servant – the ideal route for the Singaporean.
I couldn't help feeling a little bit sad after that actually. In fact I'm still a little emo (see Chor Seng, you mean so much to me!) I guess I am never good with goodbyes. And these few years seem to be full of them. And the jigsaw unravels.
Nevertheless, I wish Chors all the best in his studies, and may he come back to become the next Scholar who hopefully doesn't bunch up things!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Itchy Brain Syndrome.
Yesterday was a crazy day with 3 lectures almost back to back. Everything seems familiar because we are still at that stage where they are repeating what we have learnt in JC, but somehow I can't help but be distracted by different things during lecture (think Facebook, SMS..) Somehow Army made me restless. Hmph!
MKT 1003 is by far the best lecture I've had yet. Prof Ang was superrrrr funny with her digs at Engineers and random jokes littered everywhere. No wonder Jem said Marketing was fun!
Then there was the Intro to Stats lecture that was.. boring. A lot of Math and Stats, and a lot of repetition from A Levels. Bleh!~
Then there was the weird lecture on Managerial Econs where I had to spend a lot of time deciphering the Anglo-Sino accent. Wah. I never knew it was possible to have a strong Americanised Chinese accent. Now I know it is. Hahas. He wasn't a bad lecturer. I'm just biased. Hahahas..
As you can imagine, my brain was super shagged. I only hope I can adapt really fast. =S
MKT 1003 is by far the best lecture I've had yet. Prof Ang was superrrrr funny with her digs at Engineers and random jokes littered everywhere. No wonder Jem said Marketing was fun!
Then there was the Intro to Stats lecture that was.. boring. A lot of Math and Stats, and a lot of repetition from A Levels. Bleh!~
Then there was the weird lecture on Managerial Econs where I had to spend a lot of time deciphering the Anglo-Sino accent. Wah. I never knew it was possible to have a strong Americanised Chinese accent. Now I know it is. Hahas. He wasn't a bad lecturer. I'm just biased. Hahahas..
As you can imagine, my brain was super shagged. I only hope I can adapt really fast. =S
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First day of school in 3 years.

Anyways, today marked the start of the first day of school for me since I left Nanyang JC. I felt a little distracted during the Nation Building lecture (mainly because I was mousehunting) and I think it would take a little getting used to. The lecturer did her best to be lively and engaging, and honestly, I thought she did a decent job. At least now I know that history is written, not lived. Which is pretty grim, by the way. Imagine if what you think to be truth is in fact - not.
Frankly speaking, I am starting to miss my OG. Up up and away! Although it's just the start of school, and we saw each other not long ago, I just get that feeling that I'd never have that feeling of togetherness again. Sad eh? =/ University feels like a mad rush from lectures to food to lectures to PGP. I hope it only seems that way and is not really that.
Now I wonder what I should do tomorrow. I'm meeting Chor Seng at noon together with Toinh, but before that seems to be a gigantic blank for me to fill. Perhaps I could crash lectures! Or DotA!
Oh wells. I should get a gripe and let the day take care of itself. =S
Monday, August 10, 2009

Frankly speaking, it's not bad staying here. At first I thought I would miss the television, but my brother just showed me that there is actually NUScast that airs all our local free-to-air channels! OMG.
I went walking around with Enqing too. Not bad, not bad. The supermarket was surprisingly reasonably priced, and the gym looks up to standard. The atrium is super happening lah! There are angmohs here and there just hanging. Hip sia!
I'm already thinking of what to do for tomorrow.. Swim, mousehunt, then go for Nation Building.. Then... okae, I haven't planned that far yet. SCHOOL IS SO TOTALLY STARTING! MAN!!!! Really don't know what to expect after so many years away from studying. Hope everything turns out well and my brain gets WD40-ed enough to cope!
Sunday, August 09, 2009

I must say, I haven't watched such a touching show for a long time. The story is one of love, love lost, and finding the will to live again after losing someone.
I shan't talk too much about it, cos I know most haven't watched it yet. DO GO WATCH IT! If you don't you'd regret it. I teared for most parts of the movie. It was that touching. So simple, yet so profound at the same time.
Even the deepest wounds heal if only you let others in.
NUS Rag Day.

I was too shagged to blog about it yesterday night, but now that I have some time in between my packing for PGP, I thought I should write something.
Very rarely do you see people come together as a Faculty, regardless of seniority, to work on one single project. The Rag Float.
I felt that this photo embodied the euphoria of realising that all the effort that Team Brag had put it had come to fruition. I managed to glean off a little bit of the excitement too. It feels really good to know that something I helped to build was put on show and helped my Faculty to go on to with the Chancellor Shield (woot!)
Somehow all that 14 hours of flagging was worth it. Somehow losing my voice was worth it. And all the time everyone spent on the float was worth it. The spirit and aura that we felt on Rag Day was worth it all!
I must say there were really so many floats and presentations that were awesome. I was particularly impressed with the Eusoff Hall float and the KEVII Hall float. How did they even manage to come up with all these stuff within such a short timeframe and with such little money! The best thing is that most of the stuff are recycled, even if they didn't stick to a lean budget. Man.
I really miss the camaraderie that such events bring, just like when I went through 我们的白云岗 and 莱夜方长. Will I ever get to feel that again?
I say Bizad number one, you don't believe very cham
What say you say I say! What say you say I say...
Oh My Love.
This song suddenly popped into mind as I was reading through my emails. Such a beautiful, beautiful songggg. Did you know that John Lennon wrote this for Yoko Ono? It's a pity they had to be separated by death. Few can write such simple and sincere songs nowadays.
Oh My Love
John Lennon
Oh my love for the first time in my life,
My eyes are wide open,
Oh my lover for the first time in my life,
My eyes can see,
I see the wind,
Oh I see the trees,
Everything is clear in my heart,
I see the clouds,
Oh I see the sky,
Everything is clear in our world,
Oh my love for the first time in my life,
My mind is wide open,
oh my lover for the first time in my life,
My mind can feel,
I feel the sorrow,
Oh I feel dreams,
Everything is clear in my heart,
Everything is clear in our world,
I feel the life,
Oh I feel love.
Friday, August 07, 2009
O-Week just ended yesterday with a bang despite the boring lead-up to it. Somehow I always get super high and inspired when we do the Bizad Cheer together in a huge room. It just makes me feel like I'm part of something larger than me.
My OG was FRAU!
I must say they have been such dearies, even though they were not super enthusiastic as I would like. At least they responded really well and stayed throughout the O-Week! I can't say that for other OGs. I think towards the start of Sentosa day, our OG was more or less one of the more intact ones.
O-Week was fun! Even though there are many spaces of time where we are just waiting for stuff to happen, I generally enjoyed it all. Especially the Sentosa Day. I just like to run into the water and float around. Hahahas! And I think Frau had fun too doing all the Kallang Waves and cheers in the sea. =) Too bad I didn't bring my camera or I'd have photos to show for!
My greatest complaint though, would have to be the Masquerade Ball. Being the climax of the camp, it should have been planned better to include more people and for the audience to be more involved. In the end, it felt like we were all just standing around looking at something we were not super interested in in the first place. Not to mention how painful it was to stand for so long after a long camp. Thank God someone started to sit on the floor. Genius, that guy.
Anyways, Louis won Mr Redken! Wah! Congratulations man. I thought the way they did 小微 was really quite good. And Kimberly got Ms Masquerade! That was quite random, but congrats all the same!
If only they put more thought into it and stood in the shoes of the campers, I think it would have turned out better. But oh wells, I guess everyone has their limitations eh?
I am personally feeling quite shitty now because my vocal chords are totally busted from all the screaming, shouting, cheering, and say "Good morning Sir, would you like to donate to NUS Flag Day?". Somehow people are just not as generous as before. Perhaps it's the Financial Crisis, but I think it's more cynicism. I could literally see people walking away and laughing at us. How rude is that?! It's okae if you don't donate, but here we are doing something good while you laugh at us? WTF!
The whole experience was wonderful though. I don't think I can ever flag from 5 AM to 10 PM ever again. I think most of us got discouraged towards the end, but we still did good, PETER PAN! Hopefully Bizad will win Rag and Flag again for the zillionth time. Muahahahahahahahs..
Righto. I shall go for my protein shake budget lunch!
My OG was FRAU!
I must say they have been such dearies, even though they were not super enthusiastic as I would like. At least they responded really well and stayed throughout the O-Week! I can't say that for other OGs. I think towards the start of Sentosa day, our OG was more or less one of the more intact ones.
O-Week was fun! Even though there are many spaces of time where we are just waiting for stuff to happen, I generally enjoyed it all. Especially the Sentosa Day. I just like to run into the water and float around. Hahahas! And I think Frau had fun too doing all the Kallang Waves and cheers in the sea. =) Too bad I didn't bring my camera or I'd have photos to show for!
My greatest complaint though, would have to be the Masquerade Ball. Being the climax of the camp, it should have been planned better to include more people and for the audience to be more involved. In the end, it felt like we were all just standing around looking at something we were not super interested in in the first place. Not to mention how painful it was to stand for so long after a long camp. Thank God someone started to sit on the floor. Genius, that guy.
Anyways, Louis won Mr Redken! Wah! Congratulations man. I thought the way they did 小微 was really quite good. And Kimberly got Ms Masquerade! That was quite random, but congrats all the same!
If only they put more thought into it and stood in the shoes of the campers, I think it would have turned out better. But oh wells, I guess everyone has their limitations eh?
I am personally feeling quite shitty now because my vocal chords are totally busted from all the screaming, shouting, cheering, and say "Good morning Sir, would you like to donate to NUS Flag Day?". Somehow people are just not as generous as before. Perhaps it's the Financial Crisis, but I think it's more cynicism. I could literally see people walking away and laughing at us. How rude is that?! It's okae if you don't donate, but here we are doing something good while you laugh at us? WTF!
The whole experience was wonderful though. I don't think I can ever flag from 5 AM to 10 PM ever again. I think most of us got discouraged towards the end, but we still did good, PETER PAN! Hopefully Bizad will win Rag and Flag again for the zillionth time. Muahahahahahahahs..
Righto. I shall go for my protein shake budget lunch!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
I guess it's high time that I got back to blogging. I kind of stopped because I suddenly became aware of a lot more people reading this than I am comfortable with. After all, it's a very real part of my life that I am sharing and it's not the best of feelings to have someone read you like a book (or blog -_-||)
These past few weeks have been pretty dark for me. I can't exactly remember when the lights went off, but probably very early on, even before I dented my car door. Stuff just kept piling up that it became a little too much for me to handle on my own.
There was the car, then there was the tiff with my brother, and there was the lack of money, etc etc that laced poison on my whole outlook. Of course, there was also the ________. So if I really look back now, I would say the past few weeks were secretly screwed up.
Secretly because I really had a lot of fun at the orientation camps and Rag too. It's just a personal disgruntlement that I kept to myself throughout the time.
What really caused me to snap out of it though, was my pouring half a glass of water on my MBP. You can imagine how &$%^@ you would feel if that happened to you. I was more scared than anything because it was new and I thought to myself how unlucky I was (as usual).
Then I realised that it wasn't really my luck. I just found things difficult to accept and handle because I was doing everything in my own strength. I totally sidelined God and tried to take everything as it came upon myself. Basically I had little faith that God could make things work for me. I blamed everything on tough luck. The simple solution though, was to submit everything to Him. To realise that I am not fighting alone, that God is really with and for me.
It's a difficult feeling to explain for those of you who don't know God. It's just a general sense of relief and optimism that whatever I am facing, I face with greater strength than I have. I might not be able to do some things, but God can. And that's comforting. I just have to remind myself to keep going back to Him.
Hopefully I learn this lesson and take it with me from now on eh?
P.S. I realised that the YouTube clip has nothing to do with the entry.. but it's top on 933 排行榜 and it's stuck in my head!
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