1. I have decided to get a Nokia 6280 soon!
It has a 2 megapixel camera and a VGA camera. Not to mention radio, 3G. Perfect! Not to mention the cheap price. SGD$98 only! Hoho.. My uncle and Yan Han has it though. Hmm.. That makes it a common phone right? Gee. Nevermind!
2. AussieBum has really nice swimwear! I feel like getting a League one. Lols. Looks super nice larh. Like totally HOT! Plus what's the use of becoming thin(ner) when you can't show it off? Take a look at this:

3. I still have 99.9% of mugging left to do. Which makes me officially dead. Yuppers.. Don't worry about it though.. I am not as upset/depressed/panicky as you think. Actually what I am thinking right now is
"okae, so I won't do so well for my midyears, but I actually planned for that right when I was training and threw studying out the window. So I will study really hard for Prelims, and I know I will do well for Prelims, simply because I am smart."
Okae, I know what you are thinking. Complacent Dezhi here thinking he can get away with it. Nope, you can't be further from the truth. I am not trying to be arrogant. But I know that I understand my concepts, and all I need is refreshing of my memory, which I don't have the time for now. Yeah.. So. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
4. Man, I so hate blogger for their hotlinking policy. I have to transfer everything to my photo album to upload! ARGH.
5. Hey, can you (if you have linked my blog) change the link to http://mrsuan.blogspot.com? Then you can get rid of the annoying Geocities ad you see on Windows. Remember hor!
6. I spent some time looking through Full Moon's blog, and thought to myself, I am going to kayak or surfski even when I finish my time in NY Kayak Racing Team. It has become something of a passion. I probably not a hardcore must-win kayaker, but I love the feeling of just paddling and enjoying the water. Ah.. maybe that's why I like marathons better than sprints.
Then again, sprints give adrenaline like nothing else. That's why I have been looking at surfskiing. It's not existing in Singapore, but more popular in Australia and South Africa. Hmm . Basically just an open deck K. Woot! Cool man!
7. Hmm. I think I blogged enough.. Pray for me okae? I'll pray for you too..
Goodnight people! Rest well, mug hard, stay cheery and God bless.
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