Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It’s been a long time since last wrote a real blog entry. A really cathartic one that records how I have been feeling throughout the day. There are innumerable reasons as to why this is so, but I can think of a few off my head right now.

One of which would have to be the lack of time to just sit in front of my desk to type everything out. Life nowadays has been reduced to a pitiable routine of waking up, working for Rag, eating, working some more, then sleeping once again. It sucks that I don’t even have time to hang out with friends who have come back from overseas. I haven’t seen Ivan yet!!! And he’s been back for like. 2 weeks?

Another reason would be that I no longer see the need to rant about my life. Not that there’s nothing happening for me to vent about, but I think I have finally learnt how to better modulate my feelings. You know I think having someone to share your life really helps. It sort of puts things into perspective, and you see what thing are more important, and what others are merely mindless banter and gossip that doesn’t edify anyone who involves himself in it.

That said, I do miss the times where I just come here and let out a barrage of words to either show or hide my inner thoughts. I think writing is a good habit that I do not want to lose. So here’s a promise to myself. However small some things may be, I shall make it a point to write them down here =) Of course, with adequate sensibility and sensitivity =) And let’s see where that takes us, shan’t we?

Until next time, adieu!

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