Anyways, since the time that I have been away, there has been so many things happening. For one, 2008 IS GONE! That means we are all older by one year - or going to be older. I can't imagine I am going to be 21 years old in 5 months lorh. According to the POSB lady I met today, that means that I can no longer keep less than $500 in my bank for free. Argh! See, inflation and GST still not enough. Still want to take away my money when I am poor =/
These past few weeks, I took the time to rest from all the hectic work since Australia. Actually, I would say it's really a transition from being an NSF to an NSman. Somehow I still cannot fully put down everything like most others do when they ORD. Not with my RQ being sick lah. I feel that I should do my part to train up my understudy so that he can relieve the load. Those of you who do pray, please pray for my RQ. She's the most hardworking person I have seen, and it would really mean alot. Thanks ah!
Besides work, of course I took the time to play! Went for the Church Camp, which I want to say, COSTS A BOMB. But it was totally worth it lah. It took me all the way to Melaka, and I really learnt alot there. The closeness I feel to God right this moment is probably thanks to the camp. So thank you camp. Hahas.. Anyways, for those considering going to Melaka.. I can only say that it felt quite the same as Singapore. Perhaps because we didn't manage to go to Yueniang's house?
There was also the Youth Camp! Here's a video:
Look at this photo.
Aren't they like the cutest people you have seen? Hahas.. I'm really glad that we have grown so much as a group of friends. And it's really interesting to see the problems I have faced as a teenager surfacing in these people, and helping them to solve it. And all of a sudden I feel so old and grown up. Hmm.
The Youth Camp was helpful too, because it was full of tips about BGR and S.E.X. I mean, I never did have someone talk to me about God's perspective of those things. I guess we lived in a nian dai when you found out about these stuff yourself. Kids nowadays are very xin fu lorh. They are even fed things like these.
We went to Ubin too. And it was plenty fun on the bikes. Good exercise too. Hahas.. And I saw Japanese swimmers at the Changi Beach Club! Super inspired by them lorh. I have been exercising a lot lately because of that. Like. Swimming on Thursday, running on Friday, rest for Sat and Sun, then badminton with Toinh today. Wahh.. Feeling accomplished. Hahas. Endorphins endorphins!
Oh oh! I met up with my primary school people in November too. Or was it December? Everyone looks so much the same lorh! It seems like we are all going on different paths in life, but it was good to be able to chat like old friends too. Ms Sam seems to have forgotten much about us, but it was still fun =)
Then there was the BDCV event when I first went to a club. It was fun and all, but my back started to ache when it was about 2 am. Hahas.. Man, that's a sure sign that I am fat le. WO YAO JIAN FEI!!!
I think that's about all leh.. Oh. And now I am suddenly semi-playing the keyboard sometimes for worship at church. It's really kinda scary. Because I'm not that good yet. Hm. Guess I really have to step over that mental barrier eh? Because it's not how good I am - it's how good God is!
That's it, actually. And I am totally looking for a job right now. Got lobang that is about $7 tell me hor! Arigato. Peace out~!
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