Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One down, two more to go!

The Exercise is finally over and there is finally some time to gather my thoughts and blog.

Right this moment, I still have auditors on my arse and paperwork the height of Mt Everest to clear. But I am choosing not to think of them. It's pretty amazing how my maxim of taking one step at a time has been working for so long. As the Chinese say, the boat straightens itself once it reaches the bridge. Thank God that I have gone through so much and yet am still living, possibly even "thriving" in the work sense.

I realised how much I have changed over the months since the last exercise til now. My mentality has changed. I was once hands on and believed that I can and should do everything that my men are doing. Now I have learnt that as a Commander, one must stay above the fray and give directions as to what your subordinates have to do. It's not an easy thing to do, since you see your men working so hard, yet are unable to help them. I hate being a bystander, yet at the same time, it didn't seem appropriate for me to do the work, lest they not grow.

It's quite a dichotomy for me because I wonder sometimes if I have slackened and probably just didn't want to get my hands dirty, so to speak. I guess there's a little of both.

At the same time, I have managed to see through this exercise, who are the people who can really work, and what is the true nature of each of the men. There were instances to show their differences and chances for them to mend their fences, which I thought was great for our general health. No better way to work things out!

It has been tiring, but hey, it's over =) I'm just left with foot rot and a lot of stores to clear.. But come on.. it's finally finally over.

Now all there's left is aussie.. Just bring it!

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