Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm taking a risk by blogging here cos well, cyber walls have ears. Hopefully I don't get Mashed Slashed and Diced!

Do you remember a time when you were still in that emo stage, and everything was so painfully melancholic? Like an sms would keep you thinking all day, and all the sad songs have a certain special meaning, almost as if it was written just for that particular moment in your life.

Do you remember thinking about a special someone and how times were so beautiful and sparkling together?

I miss those times.

You know, I am reminded once again of a journal entry which I wrote in Primary School about how I wanted to grow up so that I could have more control of my life (well, I didn't actually write that, but I meant it) so that my parents would not quarrel as much.

Well, now I realised how wrong I was. Growing up means giving up that special something in your heart that makes it beat slightly faster. Growing up means getting used to life being unfair. Growing up means expecting people to be baddies instead of good guys. Growing up means being disappointed at others and their actions.

Do you remember a time much earlier, when you did something and expected a certain response and often got it? Like how you would demand a Potong ice-cream from Mum and get it. Or how you will whine about that Power Ranger and eventually get your hands on one.

Now think. What is the one thing that you really want? Do you even know? And if you do, what is stopping you from just asking for it? Because we have stopped believing, and stopped receiving.

I wish naivette didn't hurt as much, so that we can all be naive people. Because naive people believe and dare to go out there and grab what they want. So yes, I want to be naive. No one stop me with your realistic mumbo jumbo about pragmatism and survival and what-nots.

Because this is what I am. And this is what I will be.

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