Sunday, July 06, 2008

The gold-dust mania at church has been weighing quite heavily on my heart. It seems like we are focusing so much on the signs and wonders and forgetting the real message that Jesus brings: Love.

It was with curiosity at first that I started looking up websites about the Toronto Blessing and Lakeland Revival that Pastors were talking about. And I got quite horrified by what I found. Most of the things that I have found about Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival have been negative. Some even going into how he is a false prophet and is involved in the occult. Reading on, it becomes very very scary, what with money giving angels and trying to eat the Fruit of Life.

What does this hold for our own church? How much do our pastors know about this? Or are we too blinded by revival? What happened to everything having a biblical backing and following biblical patterns? There is no mention of gold dust in the bible. In fact, God asks us not to chase after gold or silver. Neither is there any mention of God manifesting himself through laughter...

Am I too disbelieving or....

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