Saturday, July 26, 2008
I can't seem to find a way out though. I am predisposed to doing what I have to do. I just can't be like others who can just not care. I am just not that kind of person. Even if it might be out of the way for me to do something, I will still do it within my means. I do catch myself wishing I were otherwise though.. wishing that it would not weigh so heavily on me.
I can feel it already. The drag in my feet, the lack of enthusiasm in dealing with the problems with my servicemen. I am slowly falling apart, almost as if I'm just waiting for the day I break down. I only hope I would be able to hold it all until I ORD.
God give me strength!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
ohfiveassixaye class gathering!
The response was quite good, with 11 people coming. What more could I ask eh? It was a good time playing basketball again just like old times, and it was very reminiscent to see the tiles which they made us do in JC2.
I realised that most of my memories in JC are of kayaking. I really miss everyone and the feeling of kayaking! Unfortunately work has been relentless and sucky. How I wish everything would end soon!!! Urgh. I don't want any more audits, inspections or exercises!
Anyways, we had a sushi buffet, and shopping today.. Eventually went to Rochor for tau huay too.. So I would say that this was a successful gathering! =) yayness.
Sunday, July 13, 2008

So there has been alot alot of comments lately on how fat I have become. As you know, I KNOW. It's really bad because I wake up with backaches and I get tired during late afternoon. It's horrendous. Now I know how it feels to be fat!
Okay, so I am not uber fat like how others are, but it's already getting quite unbearable. I shall take up an active interest in cutting down all this flab! Bleh.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The day before the day before work.
Well, unfortunately I woke up only at 11.30am and ended up playing Dynasty Warriors 6 and surfing the net. Talk about wasting time! And I eventually met up with Chow since we haven't met up for quite a while.
I was really reminded of why we didn't meet up for so long. No offence, Chow, but I think lately I haven't been able to get used to the air of indignation you bring around with you. It's tiresome. And after a whole week of slogging my ass off, the last thing I would want is to hear bitching and denouncing others just to make yourself feel good. Bleh. Hope you understand.
Anyway! I finally bought Sara Bareilles' CD, Little Voice. Gravity Gravity Gravity!! I also bought Breakfast at Tiffany's just to see what's so great about Audrey Hepburn that has the whole world raving about her. I haven't watched it yet though.. I did watch "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". Ahh.. Majestic Love. Hahas.
Right. Now now, what should I do tomorrow to suspend this time I have away from work?
Sunday, July 06, 2008
It was with curiosity at first that I started looking up websites about the Toronto Blessing and Lakeland Revival that Pastors were talking about. And I got quite horrified by what I found. Most of the things that I have found about Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival have been negative. Some even going into how he is a false prophet and is involved in the occult. Reading on, it becomes very very scary, what with money giving angels and trying to eat the Fruit of Life.
What does this hold for our own church? How much do our pastors know about this? Or are we too blinded by revival? What happened to everything having a biblical backing and following biblical patterns? There is no mention of gold dust in the bible. In fact, God asks us not to chase after gold or silver. Neither is there any mention of God manifesting himself through laughter...
Am I too disbelieving or....
Saturday, July 05, 2008
My Death.
1. By being hit by a car
2. By bursting a blood vessel in my brain.
I tend to think of the second one when I get migraines. I have a migraine now. Ms Tan, my Primary 3 form teacher had migraines too. She died of an aneurysm.
Don't you sometimes wonder who will be at your funeral? Hopefully mine will be a Christian one even though I would be too dead to stop my dad from holding a
I would request for a closed coffin because I always hated looking at dead people's faces. They don't even look like themselves! What is the comfort in reaffirming that your loved one is very very much dead - and fugly dead at that?
Anyways, the question was who will be there? I can imagine The Gang. Definitely Pamela. Perhaps some OG friends. Then maybe some classmates. Would people fly back from overseas?
What would my eulogy sound like? "An average joe who lived his life and loved his friends. He likes everything loud and cult symbols like Macs, Vespas and Mini Coopers. Funny guy - actually not really. Well, we'll miss him!"
Just before I die, I will say something cool like "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened". Then hopefully people will smile and remember me always as the weird awkward crazy guy.
I'd grow wings and watch my body being cremated as people watch on. My ashes will be scattered into the wind, hoping to bless each of my loved ones.
And they will miss me for a while, but realise that the world doesn't stop spinning. And they shouldn't stop tooo. Then they will forget me. But I would be happy for them. Content just to watch from afar.
And over time I will fade. When all has become blurry images in their minds. I will rest until I awaken again, and then, we will see each other again.
To love once more.
Friday, July 04, 2008
ColorGenics thingie stolen from Pam's blog.
Name: Mr Suan
Date: 7/4/2008
Colorgenics Number: 41325067
You are constantly hoping that your good fellowship and attitude and your 'love for your fellow man (or women)' will give you peace of mind. You need people - people around you to care for you and to show you that they care. It is this hope that keeps you going, the hope that makes you the type of person that indeed you are. Your own need for approval seemingly makes you always ready to help others and in exchange you seek love, warmth and understanding. You will always listen to others and you are open to new ideas which hopefully will prove fruitful and interesting.
You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold, or wish to achieve, a position of authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events.
Loneliness is soul destroying and at this time you feel lost and lonely, perhaps it is because you feel so frustrated that you are prepared to go out of your way to become emotionally involved with someone who could accept you for what you are. You are egocentric, antagonistic and quick to take offence, although it must be said, you can control your pent-up up emotion and thus avoid open conflict.
Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or restrictions.
You are anxious about all the limitations to which you are subjected to at this time. You feel that you are not valued for what or who you are. You need OUT. So why procrastinate any longer - MOVE!

I am actually kinda surprised that this is very true. Hahas.