Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Future of Ad Agencies

Just read a good article about the future of marketing and advertising beyond the mobile apps and social marketing that we see now.

Take look, as my Asian Marketing prof says it: via Mashable


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Oh cool. Great article. Just did a tute last week on the transparency of ads, how companies misuse the power of buzz mkting to pretend to be sth its not. Like the coke's zero movement which backfired.

  2. Yeah.. there has been a lot of talk about the ethics of marketing in Social Media. Some questionable tactics are Search Engine Optimisation, spam tweets, fake blogs, or staged YouTube clips (think Levi's).

    Then again, I think good use of social media does help a lot in boosting brand equity. It's just impossible to avoid these channels now.


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