Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The end of all things Supernatural

I just finished watching the very last episode of Supernatural. There's Season 6 that's being showed in the US now, but it doesn't really count since the producer only ever wanted to make 5 seasons.

I know it's lame to feel this for a mere show, but I feel a sense of loss, which comes with any ending, I guess. Supernatural has taught me that family is the most important, and that we should always treasure the things that we have without always looking for that greener pasture that's never going to happen. Of course, there's the greater theme of God being in control of everything towards Season 4 & 5. Who says a show about the Supernatural is only about spooks and effects?

Now that my source of indulgence has been depleted, it's time to look for a new one! Okae, just kidding! More like it's time to really focus on studying and getting my 4.75 every semester. I don't know if I can do it. Hell, I'm inclined to think that I can't. And I know no one actually honestly thinks that I can. But what are dreams for if they are achievable? Let's kick some ass here! I feel the blood coursing through me!

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