I was talking to Yew Ming on Monday about what makes up each type of coffee, so this infographic struck me when I was digging around. Check out the rest of the infographics! Really cool =)
Just came back from dinner after my Managerial Accounting midterms. Frankly I'm quite disappointed with my own showing. Didn't manage to finish everything..
I really think the maximum I can get now for MA is a B at best. And that really sucks. URGH.
To be able to have someone hear you bare you soul. To have someone who is willing to listen to you and understand you more than anyone else. Isn't that enough? It doesn't really matter who that person is, or how others see you. Just as long as you love each other.
Just saw a photographs of a friend of mine and got reminded of this. So thankful I have you, love =)
Advertisements are moving away from merely stating the impressive specifications of products or showing how cool stuff look. Marketers are looking at how to alter the experience that consumers have with the product, and the image that the overall brand portrays.
What LG Portugal tried to do here was to show that LG brings the family together behind a TV Screen. In quite a literal sense, actually.
Of course, the video serves the purpose of targeting the expanding social networks market. By creating a compelling story, LG increases the chances that the video will be shared by people, hence creating far reaching impact than a typical TV commercial. Of course, it doesn't hurt that it's free and how a 7-minute TV ad worth probably be really expensive.
So I had a rough day and half my brain cells drained from watching Macro Econs webcast and I decided to go on to Mashable to see if there was anything interesting I could read (there often is). But guess what? All I see today was the Launch of IE9. Grr...
From the article, it seems like quite a good offering from Microsoft since it promises to be faster than Chrome and to "beautify the Web". But honestly? If I trusted IE, I wouldn't be using Firefox now. And IE's not even my 2nd or 3rd choice of browser. When they finally have IE9 for Mac, I will download it and try it just so that I can say "ha! I told you so!".
I just finished watching the very last episode of Supernatural. There's Season 6 that's being showed in the US now, but it doesn't really count since the producer only ever wanted to make 5 seasons.
I know it's lame to feel this for a mere show, but I feel a sense of loss, which comes with any ending, I guess. Supernatural has taught me that family is the most important, and that we should always treasure the things that we have without always looking for that greener pasture that's never going to happen. Of course, there's the greater theme of God being in control of everything towards Season 4 & 5. Who says a show about the Supernatural is only about spooks and effects?
Now that my source of indulgence has been depleted, it's time to look for a new one! Okae, just kidding! More like it's time to really focus on studying and getting my 4.75 every semester. I don't know if I can do it. Hell, I'm inclined to think that I can't. And I know no one actually honestly thinks that I can. But what are dreams for if they are achievable? Let's kick some ass here! I feel the blood coursing through me!
Have you ever had something to say but didn't because you didn't want to hurt someone? Well, I have. And I guess I should have just stuck to that principle. But what if you thought saying that thing could make things better?
Take a look at this article about the Top 5 Social Media Campaigns this year. Quite interesting to see what companies are doing to engage the growing population of netizens. Somehow YouTube seems to be the top influencers with regards to viral marketing...
This is a video about Amazon marketing their Kindle as anti-glare and superior to its competitor, the iPad.
The implicit message is also that Kindle is sexier than the iPad as shown from the hot babe vs. the geek. The Kindle is also marketed as more user friendly since it doesn't take a geek to use it.
Personally, I still like the feel of holding a newspaper, smelling the ink, and reading stuff without having to strain my eyes because of the back-lit LED screen. Then again, revenues are falling, and I am guilty of not subscribing to even the Straits Times. It's true that all the information I get comes mainly from the Internet instead of the papers or even the television nowadays.
The day will come soon when we will have to part with nostalgic trappings and give up the newspaper as we know it now...
Just read an article regarding the implications of Google's Instant Search.
Are we becoming even more impatient and accustomed to fast information that Google would have to resort to this? Personally I think it's a great innovation on the part of Google. I never did think that they could squeeze something like this out of something as simplistic as a search engine.
The article also spoke a bit about Predictive searching. If that comes true, I think we would really have arrived.
It is a cliche, but in the twinkling of an eye, I have become a sophomore in university. The army experience that seemed so fresh just a few months before now seems lodged far away in the recesses of my memory.
Today (or rather yesterday) marked the Bizad Club's AGM for AY 09/10. It also marked my handing over of the post of Director of Digital Media and Publicity to Jolene. She will now become the 24th Management Committee's Director of Publicity and Publications. Which makes me the only Director of DigiPub ever to live.
The scene was familiar yet not. We have been in their shoes before. I could totally relate to their hopes and dreams and that feeling of hitting the ground running. Personally, however, I was feeling a little tired of having to sit through another Bizad event which only we attend. Somehow we would need to address the issue of apathy on the part of the average Bizader.
But that's not the point. The point is, I will probably never sit together with this group of people I call the 23rd MC ever again. We have officially disbanded. Will everything be the same ever again?
Today is the first day that I am going to school not wearing the hat of a Director of Digital Media and Publicity. I was shocked to feel a tinge of sadness when I sent out that email blast to Clement that Kenneth requested. There was a sudden realisation that I would not be doing this anymore. Jolene, my successor, would be doing all of these things from now on..
I thought I would be glad to finally give over my duties to someone who is still fresh and raring to go - the work can get demanding at times when everyone is breathing down your neck for that email blast or that poster that you have to design. Never did I imagine that I would actually be sad that this phase of my life is over.
Honestly speaking though, Bizad Club gave me some of my closest friends in NUS today. I am really glad that I had the 23rd MC to call home. We might not have been the best performing MC, or even the most cohesive one, but in my opinion, we are DA BEST!
Personally, my role also allowed me to grow both as a person and in my technical skills. I don't think I would be able to work as well under stress if I didn't take on this job. Of course, perhaps I would have just let my Photoshop skills rot throughout the whole of last year. You know, Digital Media is really something that I truly love, and I'm glad I had this channel to express it =)
Now that it's all over (even though I still have a whole lot of things to handover to Jolene), I feel kinda empty. But I am sure God will lead me into another phase in my life! =)
I <3 Bizad!! If you are reading this, don't forget to support our activities and watch out for that new website that I will be rolling out!
The whole world is talking about Ping right now, and Apple apparently said that it will be immediately available to 20 million people in 23 countries. Well, I'm not seeing it here in Singapore. Hell, I'm not even seeing iTunes 10 anywhere!
That said, when it actually comes, I am so gonna miss the CD on my iTunes =(
I was discussing with a friend of mine today about the morals of downloading American series off the Internet. The whole topic was sparked off because she was watching Mad Men via a streaming site and lost the connection midway. I suggested torrenting it to save all the pain, and somehow it led to the morality of downloading material off the Net.
Well, to be sure, it's illegal due to licensing infringements and all, but is it actually immoral?
All too often we equate the law with morality, almost as if the law is our conscience. Well, the truth is, a lot of immoral things are legal, and a lot of what is considered illegal is well, not immoral. Take for example the speed limit on a road. You would get a traffic summon if you sped beyond 10 km/h. But what is the difference between travelling at 90km/h and 91km/h? Well, none. I hope you didn't start beating yourself up because you did something immoral!
That said, I didn't have a problem with what my friend felt about downloading stuff off the Net. Just a thought that popped into my head that I felt I could share =)
The new iPod Touch has front and rear facing cameras! That plus the fact that it has an Apple A4 processor that also powers the iPad and iPhone 4. Looking great as usual!
But then again, it seems like the gap between the iPod and iPhone are narrowing. Why still use an iPod then? You know, when I was at an Apple store in Bugis the other day, they don't even sell iPod touch covers anymore. Is the iPod coming to an end?
It's just too bad that they only have it in the US now. Can't wait to try it! Hopefully it doesn't become another one of those stalled projects like Google Wave..
Looks like Nike is telling me to start prepping for that half-marathon I am supposed to be running at the end of this year! Should I sign up for Nike 10K? Personally I am quite disgusted with my level of fitness and fatness, so I think I should really start doing some exercise outside of the meagre IFG swimming trainings...
Talk about harnessing the power of social media! If the President of the United States is doing it, perhaps it's about time our National Day Rallies go on YouTube too!
On a heavier note, America's pull-off from Iraq just shows how powerful market forces are. I have to agree with the President that it is no longer viable or advantageous for America to stay in Iraq and continue sowing seeds of hatred amongst the Islamic community there. America has greater troubles to deal with at home after so much press about the slowing US economy, I think it's really time to focus!
The random ramblings of a very happy guy who used to be emo. Watch me turn my daily chaos into logical outflows!
RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME I am currently studying in university and aspires to have a career in Marketing for an FMCG. I have a recent obsession with Social Media Marketing, so you are gonna see a lot of that here.
I also do a little bit of design work, though an amateur at best. I love good design though!