Saturday, July 04, 2009


The past few days were spent at NUS Sports Camp 2009. Where we had lotsa fun cable skiing, windsurfing, basically trying out at ton of sports. The people were not half as fun as the Biz Camp people though. Somehow everyone is quite glued to their own friends and not that outgoing. We didn't cheer half as much too, probably because most of the time was spent rushing from activity to activity.

At the end of the camp though (albeit an untimely end), I feel like we bonded slightly more. Most people climbed out of their holes to mingle. Including me. Hahas. So it was fun, I conclude. It's quite difficult to precisely describe the whole camp, but suffice to say that I more or less enjoyed it. =)

The very sad thing is it had to end because some people kena-ed H1N1 on the fourth day. And just yesterday, I heard news that more people were getting feverish including some of our councillors of So Zai (take care hor!)

So very very sadly, I have decided to really quarantine myself so that I don't get the look when people realise that I have been to sports camp and is walking around. No sense of civil-mindedness! Now I know how the SARS infected people felt when they wrote all those stuff on the forums about marginalisation and discrimination. Bleh!

Oh wells. see you guys in 6 days!

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