Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I am a Rock

Mr Tan Yew Meng played this for Literature Class in Secondary School, and it's sort of wedged in my memory over the years.

I was just lamemting to Cheeks on Monday about how songs used to mean things in the past, while all the songs now are just meant to get stuck in our heads. Think "poke poke poke poker face poke poke poke poker face" or Love Lockdown. Do we even know what the songs are writing about? Do we even care?

It didn't use to be like that. People used to write about the society, about personal pains, about love. Think Hey Jude, or even this song.

Songwriters still write about such things of course, but somehow they are just not getting through as much as frivolous songs like -fill in the blank-.

Makes me wonder what mindless creatures we are becoming.

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