If you have been reading this blog for many years, you would realise that I am not big on resolutions or remembering the past. Most of the time, I live it, and then I forget most of what I have done. And I do this because I always believe that new experiences should never be shadowed by the past. Then again, there are times when it's good to look back and reflect on what I have done for the past year, and to set goals for what I want to do in the future.
Reminiscences2010 for me was really a year of maturing and finding out what I am good at. It was also a year where I believe I found my one true love. At the same time, 2010 was the year where I wised up to the world, which may not be a good thing.
2010 was the year which Bizad lost the Rag and Flag title to Science, who I might add, didn't win it gracefully, cheating on their no touch time, and refusing to meet with Dr Helen to even discuss some kind of concession. Then again, it was their chance to finally win. Perhaps playing fair wasn't exactly top of the list.
I managed to get my best semester of results yet in the previous semester, but I think it was still not up to par in the view of some of my family. To be honest, I was expecting to do better, but I was still glad to be able to improve fromt the previous few sems.. So good enough for me!
In the year, I matured significantly as a designer all thanks to the training that the Bizad Club gave me. I can't say that I am anywhere near being pro, but I am really proud of my body of work, and I really hope to be able to build on what I have and become better at what I do! Interestingly, Design has also affirmed my intentions in taking Marketing as a specialisation. Taking a course in Asian Marketing has reaffirmed that Marketing is truly what I like to do, and what I can see myself doing despite all the uncertainties and fears that I will not be able to land a good job when I graduate.
Of course, needless to mention, the greatest highlight of 2010 was finding Ms Oh Kai Li. We may have or little quibbles here and there, and sometimes we don't get why we do certain things and we get upset over each other, but at the end of the day, we are always able to talk through these things and realise that we truly love and care for each other. I can really see us being together for a looooooong time. And I am so glad that I managed to find such a wonderful girlfriend. Thank God!
ResolutionsI thought I would write myself some resolutions, not as things to complete in the year, but rather as things to work towards, a list to remind me of what I should be doing amidst the busyness of studies and all.
1) Maintain my relationship with God
Sad to say, i think I have lost a bit of that in 2010. I could feel myself leaning more on myself to chase after my grades and what I want, often ignoring what God wants, or what would glorify God more. I remember the days back in CCC where there was such emphasis on glorifying God and finding out what He wants to do in my life that many other things are secondary to that singular goal... I think I can find that back. And I really want to.
2) Lose weight!
Yes, I think if I wrote resolutions every year, it would be an annual item on the list. I am now at my heaviest weight ever. I have already been taking steps to lose some of my gut, but I think you can never have too much of a good thing. My target for this year is really to complete a triathlon. Let's see what I can get when I get back from exchange! Hopefully I am not tooooo fat then,,,
3) Have fun in Europe!
I'd better promise myself that so I will do it! Hahahahahas!
4) Get even better grades.
I really want to pull it up to at least a 2nd upper. And I know I have what it takes in me. I just need to keep the discipline when the going gets tough and the books get boring!
5) Save up enough money.
I don't really spend on big ticket items, but I think food for me is huge. So I always spend more than I need to on food. So here's reminding myself to cut down on spending so that I can have a better future, and have more money to spend next time!
6) Be a better designer.
I really need to learn everything from the basics, because so far, it has been intuition. I think in order to advance, I have to really practise practise practise. Who knows, maybe in the future I would be a graphic designer!
Well, that's all I can think of for now actually. Shall add to this if I can think of more!