Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm home!

You know, yesterday when I was still back at Dubai, I was telling myself that I have to write down everything that happened so that I can remember it all. But right now, I am overcome with a laziness that doesn't seem like it's going to abate anytime soon. LOL. I will still post all the 10 days of fun up though! It just means that it's going to take more time than I anticipated.

It was great taking the taxi back from the airport and seeing all the nicely planted trees whizz past me. You never see that in Saudi Arabia. It's all sand there. Even for Dubai, you see more buildings and sand than anything else. Of course, there are some trees, but they are mostly shrubs. So it's really refreshing to see our trees again. And our buildings that fill the entire land. In the UAE, buildings only appear in cities, and for most places other than Dubai, buildings are really short. Even shorter than the HDB block I am in now. So it's a welcome scene too =)

So what exactly am I doing now? Catching up on my American TV series! Watching Bones now, even as I am talking to Kai Li. Just caught up with TBBT, and it's gonna be Supernatural after, and then on to reading mangas! Somehow not being at home really disrupts my daily routine. I don't really remember what I did before I went to Dubai. LOL. Even though I suspect it's pretty much what I am doing now!

Alright. Bottomline is, I will get to blogging soon enough! Thinking of setting up a blog for the STEER trip too. So that we can consolidate our experiences! See how it goes!

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