The road there was really scary because the sky was literally emptying out and visibility was zero. I couldn't see a thing even with my headlights on and I had to go really really slowly because my brakes were not working so well with so much surface runoff. =S Add the random thunder and lightning to that, and I felt as if we were in some Hollywood show like The Perfect Storm or War of the Worlds or something..
We finally did get there in one piece though! The food was not bad, but really, after the first half an hour, you can't really savour what's going down your throat. We had lots of fun playing cai quan and zhong ji mi ma to stuff food down each other's throats and crapping about nipples and xi hum zhap. LOL!

I went to another dimsum buffet for lunch today at Excelsior Hotel to celebrate Chai Kee's 21st. Ended up feeling pregnant and like shit because I ate too much. We were trying to stuff ourselves because there was a charge for food wastage. =( I ended up going to the toilet to try to pee and shit to clear some stuff out of my system. BLEHH! And that is why I OFFICIALLY HATE BUFFETS NOW!
It was nice hanging out with KRT again though. Even though I felt totally out because I didn't know any of the people coming out of Jori, Gracia and Conrad's mouths. Felt like I missed out some part of me by not joining kayaking again. =/ Then again, I think I gained great friends in Bizad Club too.. So I guess it reinforces the fact that something's gotta give eh!
It was really malu when I was on my way home because I got stuck at the carpark gantry cos my cashcard didn't have sufficient value. 6 bucks for parking there for 3 hours?! OMG. I think I will never park in the CBD ever again in my life! An old uncle had to rescue me by opening the gantry for me and topping up my cashcard. Thank you uncle!
Alrights. Now for my nice shower and going back to PGP. Tsk.. TEST NEXT WEEK!
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