Thursday, October 09, 2008


Finally some time and Internet for an update!

I have been here for about 7 days now. It has been rather monotonous really. Every day is about waking up, working, then sleeping again. And everything is really starting to get me peeved.

The weather here's rather good, with the temperature dropping to about 20 degrees at night, allowing us to have good air con without it becoming too cold. Just have to stay indoors during noon time though. It's fucking hot.

So anyways, it was not as impressive as I thought it would be. The troops' arrival I mean. It's even less than a ripple than the rain makes. Maybe it's because it doesn't rain in here. Hmm.

I'm missing home a lot too. Nothing really specific, just the general feeling of being home and feeling rested instead of lying on the cross leg bed all night in a semi-awake state. We were just having lunch and somehow the talk turned to $12 rojaks. Basically we were wondering if anyone would sell us $12 worth of rojak if we asked for it (back in Singapore, of course). And we were talking about how we would want less tau pok and more you tiao, and just half the amount of beansprouts. Hahas.. yes, we are hungryyyy.

Some other thing has been bothering me too, and I really wish I could go back to Singapore so that I wouldn't have time to think about it so much. It's really a cruel sort of entertainment for me. At least the fantasies keep me going.

Man, I wish time would fly faster. And I would have more to do. And that I can hop on the MRT and just go over to Orchard with somma friends or have some rich cake (pun intended!). Arghhh. To think they are playing DotA without me =/

Oh wells. I'll just have to bear with it and hang in there and encourage myself more and blah blah blah. Haixx.

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