Tuesday, October 14, 2008


There are 17 more days to my promotion, 32 more days to leaving here and 34 more days to leaving this country.

I wonder what kind of world I will return to. You know, when you have left a place for some time, things change. It seems like a global financial meltdown had occurred while we were stuck in this place, and at the same time, a huge emergency package had rescued it. All these are happening at so quick a pace!

Life down here has been pretty much the same. I have had to deal with cleaning up other's shit. You know, the worst thing that you can do as a superior is to distrust the professionalism of your subordinate and create shit for him to do. That is the quickest way in my opinion to earn disrespect and spit from anyone.

Anyways, I'm just being angsty to fill time, so don't mind me.

On other fronts,

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