I was led to a blog written by a teacher of mine in Junior College while looking through Facebook about half an hour ago. Mr Lawrence was the teacher-in-charge for Nanyang Kayak Racing Team, the CCA I was in back in JC. Every single time I read
his blog, it never fails to amaze me how he manages to blog in perfect English.
I would always have the tendency to lapse into smiley faces or colloquial speak while blogging so as to sound more relational and close to heart. Another reason would also be that I actually blog like how I think. This style though, comes at the expense of careful thought put into what I want to write about. That is also why I am so impressed by Mr Lawrence's entries. He always stays in context on what he wants to write about. That requires a great deal of discipline and training.
Well, of course, being a professional speaking coach now, I think he would have to present a certain image. Yet, I do not think that what he writes is unnatural or coerced. In fact, I can actually picture him saying whatever he wrote. Now, that's the greatest attainment, I feel. To be able to connect at that level without the use of the crutches of emoticons or colloquial language. I shall aspire to reach that too!
With all that said, commenting about his writing style does his blog no justice at all. Reading about his endeavours in conquering the Sahara, the Gobi and now, the Antarctica is simply overwhelmingly inspirational. It makes me believe that if someone so close to me can do such seemingly superhuman feats, maybe I have the ability to do them as well. That was just the dose of confidence and hope that I needed after 2 bouts of disparaging midterm results =)