Saturday, November 03, 2007

My tagboard is dead!
To revive it, go tag a message on the left. You'd probably have to scroll quite a bit. -shrugs-

I've been in a GP mood of late. Been trying to look for some paper to write down my thoughts about things. I actually have thoughts again now! Seems like army is not totally brain cells killing. Yep.. so that's what's been happening lately. I've been having thoughts.

Thoughts like how everything has two sides, and its easy to get on one side and forget the other, things like how 1337A is good where it is now, and should stay. Things like that. Strange eh? The wonders of an OJT and an abundance of newspaper!

Anyways, this week has been pretty fun. I'm enjoying the exercise, and I'm enjoying being back at SOL. Sure, there are some sucky parts to that equation, but hey, being PROACTIVE helps. I feel more energised somehow... Commissioning soon!

Well, nothing much is up really.. I'm reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Do you remember Oprah blasting someone for faking stuff up in his book? That's this book. But it doesn't stop it from being a good read. Wah.. really.. very readable, and quite impactful. I personally hate the way he repeats sentences though.. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

I am still waiting for Jay Chou's new album to come out! I'm listening to it right now, actually.. It's rock... which is so un Jay Chou! Then there's the cowboy song. Hmm.. saving grace is The Longest Movie and I Don't Deserve, which sounds quite Chou enough. Hahas. Come out quick! I am so gonna grab it on Wednesday when I get out of camp!!!!! Wah. The Pu Gong Ying De Yue Ding also very nice. Haix.

His concert is coming next year! But I fear I wouldn't be able to watch it. Pamela wants to go too eh.. but there are so little seats left! Start another day leh!

By the way, I saw really nice Fossil bags today. And another very nice bagpack in Queensway. Anyone wants to give me an early Christmas gift? Hohohoho

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