Thursday, March 31, 2011


It's crunch time. Exams are next Monday and Wednesday. But guess what? I am not really studying here. In fact, hardly anyone is. I know in my mind that if I dont start, I will probably fail, but I just can't get myself up to doing it.

Yesterday was interesting! We had an AIS workshop where I got to meet nice new people from other tutorial groups and got to learn about how to properly conduct business interviews to elicit information from people. So now I know that was what the IAD people were doing to me back in the Army!

I also found out that I got a 9 for AIS Case 2, which officially means that I am the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE! HAHAHAHAHA. Wasn't expecting such a high grade, but I was glad all those hours of trying to talk some sense into the locals was worth it =)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spacing out.

I am sitting right in front of my notes, refusing to look into them. Exams are coming next week, but I still feel lackadaisical about it. I'd much rather indulge in counting the time the mousehunting horn takes to reappear, or in listening to Yes 93.3 for some good ole Singapore goodness than study. I know this will get me nowhere, but I can't really help myself...

I have probably said this in numerous forms before, but right at this moment, I really miss Singapore. How does anyone stay away from home for a prolonged period of time without going crazy? When I eat, I think of pratas. When I cycle, I think of Mandai Hill. When I run, I imagine the park in Yishun I usually run in. And guess what? I am not even halfway in.

Yes, yes.. I know there is no other way than to suck it up and to wait it all out. In the meantime, I should enjoy the short time I have here and experience something I will never get to experience ever again. These are just moments I guess. Moments when I have the time to actually process my homesickness. Oh wells. Gonna stop whining already! Time to really hit the books hard! Marks don't score themselves.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's been a long time since I last wrote anything here. And with good reason. There is an overwhelming inertia for me when it comes to writing about trips, mainly because I am still tired from them, and writing about them with my limited language capabilities do the places no justice at all.

So with a mixed feeling of fatigue and mediocrity, I can never bring myself to finish anything I wrote about the different place we have been too. Add in the fact that the PBL system in Maastricht never allows for us to have a moment of rest where we are not reading readings = un-updated blog.

Sorry guys. I promise to get something out sometime soon! If you are a more of a "picture = 1000 words" person though, hop on to Asher Sojourns and knock yourself out. More photos from Italy coming right up! As soon as I can afford the time to sit down and pp everything. Sighs.
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