Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What a perfectly wasted day! The leave was taken because I initially had two driving lessons. That changed when I decided to sell those two lessons and push it back to a date nearer my TP test. It's on 7th April, by the way!

Besides the driving lessons, there were plans to meet Pamela to look for Shu Juan's present. That too, didn't materialise. And the few people I asked were busy. That meant staying at home all day watching the television. =/

I made a startling discovery today too. I don't feel satiated or full no matter what I eat these days! I have a theory that it's because I've been drinking a lot of water and when I don't, the stomach still stays big... so the food going in doesn't fill it up enough. Hahas..

Anyways, what do you think of the new banner? I thought I should change the background to white because of I was getting sick of the blue. But I'm too lazy to make big changes, so I came up with a simple banner to match it up.

Alright then, I should get down to working on the announcement of the Youth Group Slumber Party. Ciao!

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