It is the weekends!
Stuff to look forward to:
(1) Waste money buying presents.
(2) Making announcements in front of other people
(3) Getting tekan by my piano teacher
(4) SINGING!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What a perfectly wasted day! The leave was taken because I initially had two driving lessons. That changed when I decided to sell those two lessons and push it back to a date nearer my TP test. It's on 7th April, by the way!
Besides the driving lessons, there were plans to meet Pamela to look for Shu Juan's present. That too, didn't materialise. And the few people I asked were busy. That meant staying at home all day watching the television. =/
I made a startling discovery today too. I don't feel satiated or full no matter what I eat these days! I have a theory that it's because I've been drinking a lot of water and when I don't, the stomach still stays big... so the food going in doesn't fill it up enough. Hahas..
Anyways, what do you think of the new banner? I thought I should change the background to white because of I was getting sick of the blue. But I'm too lazy to make big changes, so I came up with a simple banner to match it up.
Alright then, I should get down to working on the announcement of the Youth Group Slumber Party. Ciao!
Besides the driving lessons, there were plans to meet Pamela to look for Shu Juan's present. That too, didn't materialise. And the few people I asked were busy. That meant staying at home all day watching the television. =/
I made a startling discovery today too. I don't feel satiated or full no matter what I eat these days! I have a theory that it's because I've been drinking a lot of water and when I don't, the stomach still stays big... so the food going in doesn't fill it up enough. Hahas..
Anyways, what do you think of the new banner? I thought I should change the background to white because of I was getting sick of the blue. But I'm too lazy to make big changes, so I came up with a simple banner to match it up.
Alright then, I should get down to working on the announcement of the Youth Group Slumber Party. Ciao!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ahh.. Finally some time to sit in front of my iBook to type out a proper entry. I wish I had hot chocolate right in front of me now and Frank Sinatra playing behind me. The ambience is just right though, thanks to my orange IKEA lamp shining down, giving a nice glow to everything.
Work is becoming more fulfilling. It feels great to be in a line where you actually help people. And it really feels like the frontline because we are actually doing what the newspaper is reporting. Heard about SPUR? Jobs Credit Scheme? SPRING assisted loans? That's what we are doing. So exciting!
Of course, there are down sides. Like the fact that I no longer have time to go out with friends except for weekends. That's not to say that I have friends to go out with on weekdays. It's just that the choice is gone, and that piffs me. Hahas..
I'm also not able to spend more time on my computer doing mindless things like catching mice. Or tagging myself. =/
In many ways, I feel that life has been simplified - wake, work, home, sleep. And weekends are more or less confined to worship practises and church services. In this time, I feel that I have grown closer to God. And I am really beginning to see that if I had stopped trying to do things my own way earlier, it would have been so much easier, and saved so much pain. I am of course, talking about the-thing-I-constantly-talk-about-but-never-mention. Hahas.. I guess I am really REALLY out of the long tunnel. Pity, yes. But it's the best thing. And better things are yet to come.
For the first time in my life, I played the keyboard for one whole worship. There were a lot a lot of mistakes. But it seems like no one heard them. Chee Keen is right in saying that I can't believe that I can play well. That's just something that I have to get over in time, I guess. Hopefully in time for exams.
I have to learn to love myself more. Hahas..
Work is becoming more fulfilling. It feels great to be in a line where you actually help people. And it really feels like the frontline because we are actually doing what the newspaper is reporting. Heard about SPUR? Jobs Credit Scheme? SPRING assisted loans? That's what we are doing. So exciting!
Of course, there are down sides. Like the fact that I no longer have time to go out with friends except for weekends. That's not to say that I have friends to go out with on weekdays. It's just that the choice is gone, and that piffs me. Hahas..
I'm also not able to spend more time on my computer doing mindless things like catching mice. Or tagging myself. =/
In many ways, I feel that life has been simplified - wake, work, home, sleep. And weekends are more or less confined to worship practises and church services. In this time, I feel that I have grown closer to God. And I am really beginning to see that if I had stopped trying to do things my own way earlier, it would have been so much easier, and saved so much pain. I am of course, talking about the-thing-I-constantly-talk-about-but-never-mention. Hahas.. I guess I am really REALLY out of the long tunnel. Pity, yes. But it's the best thing. And better things are yet to come.
For the first time in my life, I played the keyboard for one whole worship. There were a lot a lot of mistakes. But it seems like no one heard them. Chee Keen is right in saying that I can't believe that I can play well. That's just something that I have to get over in time, I guess. Hopefully in time for exams.
I have to learn to love myself more. Hahas..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I'm starting to enjoy work. =)
Often, satisfaction comes from doing things that you never thought you could do - stepping over that barrier of fear that keeps you from being who you can be. I started doing phone enquiries today. I am going to do my very first contact report tomorrow. So exciting!
Thank God for my colleagues! At least I don't feel as uncomfortable about everything anymore. That's good news! Now all I need is an ang mor mia so that my boss can call me instead of oi-ing.
Divine inspiration please!
Often, satisfaction comes from doing things that you never thought you could do - stepping over that barrier of fear that keeps you from being who you can be. I started doing phone enquiries today. I am going to do my very first contact report tomorrow. So exciting!
Thank God for my colleagues! At least I don't feel as uncomfortable about everything anymore. That's good news! Now all I need is an ang mor mia so that my boss can call me instead of oi-ing.
Divine inspiration please!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Goodbye LV!
Looks like the LV Damier Graphite Multiple Wallet I was lusting over is finally out of my grasp. The wiser, more thrifty, more kiam siap side of me won out and I bought myself a Braun Buffel to stop myself from buying the more expensive, and probably not as multi-compartment Multiple Wallet. Arghh!
So now my problems of having a sticky wallet is solved. Guess it's time to learn that a wallet belongs in a bag or the front pocket instead of under my ass! Hopefully this lasts longer than the last wallet.
So now my problems of having a sticky wallet is solved. Guess it's time to learn that a wallet belongs in a bag or the front pocket instead of under my ass! Hopefully this lasts longer than the last wallet.
The Fray

There's still quite strong on the piano, but I think this album is moving towards more rock. Take a listen yourself!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
My hair is getting so long that I feel like pulling it off. Argh. Ever so often I get random urges to grow long hair, and somehow I always regret it after a while. There will always be hair sticking out at the sides which makes everything look really fugly. And there's no way to keep the stray hairs down! Not clay, not wax, not gel. Nothing! So I have decided to cut it all away once I manage to go home before the hair cutting place closes!
Work... is starting to feel dreadful. It's mostly brainless work, which well, I expected. It's more of the weirdness of being in a new place that is getting to me really. I have never been the conversation starter kind of person, and I never mastered the art of talking about the weather or about tea or current affairs. I'm more of a listen-and-react kind of person, so the politeness and quietness of the new place is killing me. =/
In other news, I went driving today! Yes, it has been a freakin' year and I haven't passed yet. I'm gonna be chionging the 9 lessons in the hopes of being able to complete it by March. I WANT MY CARRRRR!
By the way, Valentine's Day is coming soon. Hopefully we have that JEDIT event to keep me from realising that I have no one to spend it with. Hahas.. And did you realise too that next Friday is Friday the 13th? Spookay.
Oh wells. That's about all. I should really enjoy my early night home. =/
Work... is starting to feel dreadful. It's mostly brainless work, which well, I expected. It's more of the weirdness of being in a new place that is getting to me really. I have never been the conversation starter kind of person, and I never mastered the art of talking about the weather or about tea or current affairs. I'm more of a listen-and-react kind of person, so the politeness and quietness of the new place is killing me. =/
In other news, I went driving today! Yes, it has been a freakin' year and I haven't passed yet. I'm gonna be chionging the 9 lessons in the hopes of being able to complete it by March. I WANT MY CARRRRR!
By the way, Valentine's Day is coming soon. Hopefully we have that JEDIT event to keep me from realising that I have no one to spend it with. Hahas.. And did you realise too that next Friday is Friday the 13th? Spookay.
Oh wells. That's about all. I should really enjoy my early night home. =/
Monday, February 02, 2009
God answers prayers!
Guess who found a job today? =))
It's an administrative job at Spring Singapore which mainly entails keying in stuff into the system, from what I gather. Thank you Da Gu Gu for helping me find this job!
The fact that it's in Bukit Merah just next to church office is marvelous too. That means I can go for prayer meetings from now on =)
It's an administrative job at Spring Singapore which mainly entails keying in stuff into the system, from what I gather. Thank you Da Gu Gu for helping me find this job!
The fact that it's in Bukit Merah just next to church office is marvelous too. That means I can go for prayer meetings from now on =)
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Jobless and Bored!
It feels strange to be the only person uninvolved in any meaningful activity recently. Everyone I know has some kind of work or school to occupy them while I stay at home. I haven't been feeling bored as yet (thank God!), but I feel like I can better use my time.
Job finding is slow going and I have only been to one interview. There's another one coming up on Tuesday, and I really hope that I nail the job.
Restlessness is starting to creep on me. Give me something to do!
Job finding is slow going and I have only been to one interview. There's another one coming up on Tuesday, and I really hope that I nail the job.
Restlessness is starting to creep on me. Give me something to do!
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