Sunday, February 20, 2011

This Valentine's Day.

"Love is a decision," I once heard from someone. A decision to take a chance with someone without hoping for any reciprocation, without caring that you will get hurt along the way.

After a year and 20 days and counting of being in a relationship, I think I can finally understand what that means. Honeymoon period has left us a long time ago, but I still love Kai Li as much as ever. We bicker at times, and get angry at each other for the lamest things, but sometimes just looking at her makes me smile.

Last Valentine's Day, we spent the whole night giving out love to others in the form of roses for Project XOXO. This Valentine's Day, we had the whole day to ourselves, and we spent it walking around town, exploring the old St. Servaas Basilica at Vrijthof, and then getting lost while trying to make it back to the Markt. It wasn't all romantic, because the relics in the church really freaked me out quite a bit, but it was nice to explore a medieval church together, kind of like a mini-adventure =)

Lunch at Vrijthof was a matter of hunting for stew that Kai Li wanted and in the end trying out Dutch food that we didn't know. In the evening, she found the Pierre Marcolini chocolates I planted in my bagpack "accidentally".

Not the most romantic date I could think of, no sunrises or seasides or even cards, but I was just happy to be spending time with her. It's difficult to describe, kind of like a warm feeling in the heart?

That soon gave way to some more bickering started by expired food. LOL. SO TOTALLY US LAH.

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