Sunday, October 15, 2006


Blogger is in beta mode! They are introducing labels like other blogging site like TypePad and I hear there are going to be more cool ways to structure the layout of the page. The sad thing is, only a handful of people get to be in the beta trial, and I am not one of them! Grr.. So sad larh.. I want labels for my posts as well.. =(

Right now, I'm just blogging because I don't feel like I want to sleep yet. I know if I plop down on my bed, Zhou Gong is going to hit me with his hammer so hard that I would fall asleep immediately, but I am just not ready to sleep. That's a first! Hahas..


See, if I had a label in my blog, I can put this under "emo shit"! But I don't. =( I want!!

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