Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back to SAFTI

The first night back. Everyone seems reasonably happy... I have a total of $28.37 left in my bank account after paying the $175 for Comms Ball. I just decided not to burden Ma with the monetary requests anymore. Besides, it's time I faced the consequences of overspending. I have to stop spending man! $400 in a weekend is just too much. Maybe I should stop thinking rich and get more down to earth. God help me! Anyways, here's a list of things I want to buy...
  • Vespa!!! but I guess a Honda Phantom will do fine for now ($3000)
  • Canon IXUS 75 (???)
  • MacBook Pro ($3000++)
  • Adizero Shoes for the 42.195 km... ($300)
  • Clothes!!
Bloody avaricious bitch. Hahas.

Anyways, I went to collect the race pack for Stan Chart today. I thought the singley looked okae larh. Granted, it doesn't look as "Oomphy" as the last year's but I thought the colour was okae. I still can't believe that I'd be running 42km next week! Ahh....

Regarding Jame, I still haven't got any reply for my e-mail or SMSes. Just shows how difficult it is to keep a simple friendship going over a long distance. When you don't see some for a prolonged period of time, he slowly ceases to be part of your reality. Besides, I think I never did make a deep impression with her. Okae, this is probably my insecure side talking,

On my way here to SAFTI, I prayed to God on the taxi. I prayed for Him to take hold of my life once again, even as I struggled with my spending problems, with being emo, with always looking for someone to confide in without finding anyone and without having any problems. I don't know why I'm built like this, but I know God knows and He has something for planned for me. So I'd let Him work and show me!

By the way, I still haven't found a date for Comms Ball. Really don't know who I should ask. Pr perhaps I have an answer within me which I just need to find. Hmm...

I guess I'd better sleep first. More to come tomorrow!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

adium and a cornea scratched.

OMG OMG OMG. I just downloaded this really cute application called Adium which I saw on Sherman's computer. It's like an IM client for Mac users which fits just about every IM service. And it's really cute!! I have Darth Vader as my Dock pic. Seeee...
Cute right? Too bad for Windows users! =P By the way, I'm still waiting for my new Mac.. Haix. When do you think Ma will buy me a MacBook Pro? Wishing and waiting...

Anyways, Commissioning is in 26 days, 4 hours, 34 minutes and 26 seconds. I can't wait man! All the time I've spent in the NS builds up to the 15th of December; the apex of my NS life. I can't wait to commission and then become a QM, and a good one at that.

In prep for that day, we have been doing quite a lot of drill to make sure everything is as smooth as possible when we return to SAFTI. Not fun arh.. Drill is literally backbreaking. Looks like I should have focused more on my back when I gymmed in the past.

All this drill would be alright if I didn't go and get my eye scratched. I was just playing Mahjong happily at Gordon's house when I realised I couldn't take out my right contact lens when I wanted to. After a whole night of trying, I decided I had to sleep with it then try again the next morning. As it plays out, I still couldn't =(

So I went to see the über expensive eye clinic at Yishun Central to get it fixed. Argh. That's 70 bucks flown away. Anyways, it turns out that my contact lens is too small for my eye (huh?!). So it sticks to the eye ball instead of floating on it like other people. And because I tried so hard to take it out, my cornea got scratched. Wonderful eh...

So now I have a red eye. And it tears a lot. And it's quite painful. Haix... Just hope that it heals really fast.. I missed youth and church because of it eh. Feel like I'm missing a lot =/ Plus the fact that I couldn't really join the Comms Ball team to see the photographer or the kayakers for kayaking. Feel so nuah!

I just hope that next week would be a fairly clean week and that it would be over in a blink of a red eye. Come next weekend!! Come quickly! I wanna see how Jiraiya beats Pain. =D

Thursday, November 08, 2007

My brain is thinking in Chinese. Now how did that happpen?! I'm supposed to be lousy in Chinese and A1 in English! It must be too much of Taiwan and Jay Chou... Speaking of which, I still haven't bought his new album! I'm still considering... does Rainbow, and the Longest Movie and Dandelions justify my buying such a happy album? It's so not my taste. Hmm..

Anyways, Commissioning is coming really really soon. It seems like every week we are just waiting for time to pass and to finish doing all the things so that we can just go to OCS and get commissioned. Is this what some meant when they said that most people are just focused on commissioning and forget being officers? I hope I am not such a person. I intend to be an excellent and outstanding QM, for your information!

On the home front, Mum and Sis are still in Taiwan shopping their hearts out, leaving only the three guys at home. I guess if I were still in Primary School this wouldn't be such a bad idea, but now we just avoid each other as much as possible. So my Dad's either watching cable or in his room, my brother is in our room, and I'm in my Mum's room playing Hellgate which I just bought. Oh, did I mention that the game rocks?! Buy it. Seriously. Good RPG, excellent graphics. The leveling is really slow though... Other than that, the items are totally upgradeable which makes it cool, and the skills (I was using an Evoker) were reasonably powerful. BUY BUY! Then we can play together online!

You know, I saw this particular blog while doing guard duty last Sunday, and I suddenly thought to myself, "this is such a sincere blog!" I used to be like that, I guess. I used to really know what I was thinking, and I would just write it out. But somehow that gift seems to have been taken away from me. Now all I ever say are things that I've said. All I ever write are childish longings for things that probably will never ever come to pass. What happened to my mental facility? What happened to my VIEWS? Should I not be more political, or more thought-invoking? Why this numbing whining about everything in the world? See, even that sentence whines. Eww. I am disgusted by myself.

Well. My new philosophy of life is to take things as they come, and to take one day at a time. What's the use worrying about so many things, and thinking so much, and yearning and hoping so much when nothing is really in your control? I am to let God take the reins of my life. I never really understood that even though I kept praying it. I guess it really means to not worry about my life and what will come, but just to trust that God has a better plan for me than I can ever imagine. Hmm. It'd take more faith for me to really fully trust, but I know God will be there for me.

Be positive!!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I live in a world where no one else exists
Where no one else knows of
That place with sounds of piano keys,
Music floating;
Flooding the recesses of my heart with emotion.
Imaginary love
Glimpses of sweet bliss
Fading as reality takes hold...
If only I could stay sleeping,
never waking from this dream
That is just a dream
My tagboard is dead!
To revive it, go tag a message on the left. You'd probably have to scroll quite a bit. -shrugs-

I've been in a GP mood of late. Been trying to look for some paper to write down my thoughts about things. I actually have thoughts again now! Seems like army is not totally brain cells killing. Yep.. so that's what's been happening lately. I've been having thoughts.

Thoughts like how everything has two sides, and its easy to get on one side and forget the other, things like how 1337A is good where it is now, and should stay. Things like that. Strange eh? The wonders of an OJT and an abundance of newspaper!

Anyways, this week has been pretty fun. I'm enjoying the exercise, and I'm enjoying being back at SOL. Sure, there are some sucky parts to that equation, but hey, being PROACTIVE helps. I feel more energised somehow... Commissioning soon!

Well, nothing much is up really.. I'm reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Do you remember Oprah blasting someone for faking stuff up in his book? That's this book. But it doesn't stop it from being a good read. Wah.. really.. very readable, and quite impactful. I personally hate the way he repeats sentences though.. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

I am still waiting for Jay Chou's new album to come out! I'm listening to it right now, actually.. It's rock... which is so un Jay Chou! Then there's the cowboy song. Hmm.. saving grace is The Longest Movie and I Don't Deserve, which sounds quite Chou enough. Hahas. Come out quick! I am so gonna grab it on Wednesday when I get out of camp!!!!! Wah. The Pu Gong Ying De Yue Ding also very nice. Haix.

His concert is coming next year! But I fear I wouldn't be able to watch it. Pamela wants to go too eh.. but there are so little seats left! Start another day leh!

By the way, I saw really nice Fossil bags today. And another very nice bagpack in Queensway. Anyone wants to give me an early Christmas gift? Hohohoho
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