Thursday, February 15, 2007


I'm on Atten C! In layman's speak it's an MC.

Why, you ask? Did I get high fever or something?

Nooo... I got poked.

Man, of all the mental horror flashes of how I would die, I never did factor in being poked.

I pictured myself being knocked down by a speeding car, being swept off by an MRT, being thrown overboard a ship, getting in an aeroplane which was gonna crash. Never quite being poked. Hmm..

Well, what happened was that the company was getting our heads shaved again because it was getting long again (I'm actually starting to like botak. It's cooling and easy to dry!), and Wei Quan (a platoon-mate) was helping me to dust off my hair from by body. And er.. there was a sudden movement and the brush got into my eye.

I couldn't open my eye at first. Quite frightening, really.. but I slept off the first night. Then when morning came and it still felt really painful, I went to visit the Holy Land. Hahas.. that's what Sergeant Alex calls the Medical Centre.

So Cpt (Dr) Chi Keong got me to CGH cos he couldn't really diagnose the problem..

Blah blah blah...

Eventually the specialist said I had abrasion on the conjunctiva and some infection. I can actually see the patch of bacteria growing. Quite freaky. Hahas.. but it's much better now. At least I can open my eyes and the pain is negligible.

This incident caused me to miss my Sit test. Really suay for me. Haix.. Is God telling me that I shouldn't go OCS, or is He letting me spend Valentine's Day outside of camp? Oh wells...

Life's as boring outside as inside. It sucks to spend V Day alone. Hahas.. At least I get to do things in Tekong..

But it's quite amusing to see Mum and Dad cleaning up the house together before CNY. Man, they had us fooled with those quarrels. Hahas.. As long as my mum doesn't insult and my dad doesn't get into ideolog, it's perfect peace.

Alright. I need to go bathe now.. Still have an appointment later at CGH..

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